
There has been a launch: Actions for the new developments Microsoft, Linde, Allianz, LVMH, Apple in rally mode

There has been a launch: Actions for the new developments Microsoft, Linde, Allianz, LVMH, Apple in rally mode

It is the right choice: Aktien for the Ewigkeit with Microsoft, Linde, Allianz, LVMH, Apple and Co are actively performing on the market. Welches Kurspotenzial is nor a gibt and welche Aktien auch bei Dividenden and KGV Richt gut abschneiden.

Aktien für die Ewigkeit met Potenzial

Microsoft, Linde, Allianz, LVMH, Apple

Active power

If you look at the 30th edition of the e-wigkeit, you can find the BÖRSE ONLINE index for the e-wigkeit. Research can start with a certificate. And you will like it here: the index is at a new high, while this Buy-and-Hold-forever action has become a bit more. But not all yet. And here ergeben sich jetzt Chancen:

When the Linde action was no longer aware of a price at a high of 436 Euro. Let the industrial gas industry have a clean installation at the age of 50, while the paper has the best time to be repeated. Because it is a good time to start, the paper is valued higher with a KGV of 27.4 and a dividend of 1.28 percent.

Once the table is open, it is likely that the relationship with one of the following is rated higher. An Ausnahmen company goes further here, such as the Norwegian Equinor-Aktie with a KGV of 7.9 and a dividend of 5.93 Percent or a German Mercedes with a KGV of 5.4 and a dividend of 7.94 Percent.

Übrigens: Alle Kursziele since in Landeswährung zu verstehen.

Microsoft, Allianz, LVMH, Apple: Agree to cooperate with the Ewigkeit-können sich lohnen

This is the case if the Microsoft action is a problem. If Linde is honest in the chart, this is critical at Microsoft. On the way to a higher offer, the Microsoft action is active with the 200-day line and you will find it below the 50-day line. If new money is invested, it will not be possible to do anything else.

It is important to see that the Apple action is going well. This is one of the things that happened to a KGV from 30 years ago, but the paper is informed about the 50-Tage-Linie. If you want to read more here, make sure that this Linie stops.

It is possible that you will get a new chance, a new kind of image, with the Allianz-aktie. With a KGV of 10.0 and a dividend of 5.86, the German Aktie is not attractive for the Ewigkeit.

If it is attractive, it is also not possible to work on the map with the LVMH action. The French luxury action takes place in one of the most recent trends and first years since the 50s, when the line was not yet opened. Also the LVMH-Aktie was now active for Langfrist-Investoren and for Turnaround-Trader. Obwohl sich auch der Turnaround is not yet active.

So if you see that you have not taken any action for the Ewigkeit to continue or to delve into a good trend. Once we have gotten a korb, it is a fact that there has been a fall on the ground for a while.

And read: no longer: if you have passion, look at Bitcoin and Ethereum

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Tips for interesting information:
The price of the financial instrument is formed by an index as a basic cover. The Börsenmedien AG has introduced the index and stopped the right one here. With the broadcasts of the best paper types that the Börsenmedien AG a trading association closed, it will show the broadcasts a Lizenz by the index reference. The Börsenmedien AG has taken over the emission broadcasts.

Tips for interesting information
The author places the position of the publication in the following financial instruments or derivative products existing here, which are produced by the publication and result in profitable results of Linde, Microsoft.

Tips for interesting information
Mr. Leon Müller, the Mr. of the Herausgeberin Börsenmedien AG, has taken a position and the position of the publication in the following financial instruments or derivatives existing here derived from the results obtained by the publication in the area of ​​profitable earnings: Microsoft.