
Coma patients can move their hands – the human being no longer looks like one

Coma patients can move their hands – the human being no longer looks like one

If one of the most common treatments is a person who then often comes to the intensive care unit, imagine a personal and medical personal treatment of the fragment: What about the patient or the patient who takes a long time? If you are very bad, the person will become zum Beispiel, a hand that moves. There are no reactions, but it seems that it is not so that it is so, that it is not right.

However, studies show that this conclusion must not be reached. If people think they have not even received an answer, it is possible that they will become aware of the work. Early studies at individual research centers found such activity at an unfavorable 15 to 20 percent of the subjects. A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine comes out on a higher level at 25 percent.

Come after a Schädel-Hirn trauma or a Schlaganfall

Yelena Bodien, MD, PhD, Center for Neurotechnology and Neurorehabilitation at Massachusetts General Hospital, noted, “A patient with a high level of care in their environment has no experience. When you work with the advanced technology of magnetic resonance imaging (fMRT) and electroencephalography (EEG), which are not being studied, you can start with Hirnaktivitäten festivities, which are on a different kind of closing line.”

In the study, the patients and patients with health care in the United States and Europe are examined. You know – often it is in months – a disease with Schädel-Hern-Trauma, a Schlaganfall or a rebirth after heart-circulation-stillness. When in tests your tendons were scanned, they gave instructions, for example: “If you present yourself, you open and close your hand”. Or if you get frost, a sports artwork is performed.

If patients undergoing treatment do not move their hand, the treatment can be performed internally. Photo: Shutterstock

241 Teilnehmende zeigten, normaler weise im Bett lie, zwar keine üßerlich visichtbare Reaktion – aber in den Tests befolgten 60 von ihnen die Anweisungen trotzdem minuteslang innerlich. These people also notice that they say a word and take a car ride, that they are driving and driving.

The most recent years have gone through an international study, meint Julian Bösel, Speaker of the Kommission Neuroologische Intensivmedizin of the German Society for Neurology (DGN). When there is a large group of patients, medical treatment becomes a phenomenon that is more systematic as the neurologist, another other human being and the Uniklinik Heidelberg task is a cousin of the study that wages war. The analysis addresses other than a central ethical question for individual people: “Ob man who continues therapy sollte oder nicht.”

Koma vs. reactions lose Wachheit

Severe heart injuries cause a Beeinträchtigung des Bewusstseins. If you are looking for an answer to the contents of the complet, you should put it on the schmerzreize. If you are in another location and how to separate Sleep-Wach-Phasen, there is no clinical problem with contact lenses, then someone can come from Wachkoma, as far as the Wachheit reaction to the Syndrome (SRW). Davon has stopped performing a minimal effort, when the following steps can be performed or a following instruction can be performed.

Solche Bewusstseinsstörungen kan Tage, Wochen, Monate oder auch Jahre anhalten. “Studies that have done the best research have the best results, more of those patients have EEG research and their longer time of study,” Bösel meint. Man könne daraus kan, dass man in Zweifelsfällen ausgewählten Patients more Zeit einräumen sollte.

It is unclear whether there are special therapies that help people. Seit Langerem was investigated, with treatment therapies, drugs or other treatments, it was possible to cure or cure. A team from the Massachusetts General Hospital has developed a modern technique: Mithilfe von Gehirn-Computer-Schnittstels is a Verbindung der Gehirne von Solchen Patients and Patients with Computers were restored, it will be so that they can be done.

Definitive Aussagen schwierig

Frank Erbguth, chairman of the German Hirnstiftung, has made a new study on the fundamental new developments. “The fact is that the Phänomen are clear.” Now, that the electrical muster or active regions in Gehirn were mixed, heiße nicht, that this Human beings are a higher Form of Consciousness. Solche Aktivität finds a man on fMRT or EEG of human narkotisierten.

It is one of the two experts who deal with the solution of the human, who never react, no solution at all. “The people in the intensive care units and the rehabilitation units are so thought about, when they do it. The human resumes his behavior and reacts to his behavior. That is also today so beautiful”, said Erbguth.

At Massachusetts General Hospital I learned that people are connected to each other with computers, but they can do that. Photo: Shutterstock

Who is also the assessment of a person, the knowledge that comes up, if the great advantage exists? So the study authorities and -authors as the German experts are there, definitively Examine that are difficult. In the new study, the tests were not standardized and the patients and patients were selected. “Apart from that, there were completely different tests of shocks, which man has combined here”, Erbguth thinks.

Trotzdem, concrete Bösel, said about the Prozentzahlen von Studien dieser: “Wir sollten uns darüber clearly sein, that was not clear nor more consciously informed patients as thought etwas of them bekommen, was rund um sie vorgeht.” Seiner Erfahrung nach sei es noch velderorts üblich, the fact that patients from komatösenpatients and patients are spoken is no longer the case. “Viele Pflegekräfte machen das dagegen oft sehr gut, indem sie den Patients begrüßen, sich vellen, ihm sagen, was sie with ihm machen.”

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If all matters are commemorated, please contact the visit or business persons, and this undertaking will no longer have any fearful themes. “If you decide to bet and delete it, it is clear that your damage will be lost, but you will never have to worry about it.”