
Is the IFA Berlin 2024 a Wendepunkt – Is de Technik-herz noch erobern?

Is the IFA Berlin 2024 a Wendepunkt – Is de Technik-herz noch erobern?

The IFA Berlin 2024 is one of the most popular and interesting locations in the world of smartphones, gadgets, apps, smart intelligence and assistive technology there is. If all themes are interesting, the IFA will be an absolute highlight on the calendar – will it be in those years, which trade fair will this be? Let us live a life among the Lupe-nehmen.

Prepare for general orientation: IFA Berlin 2024 is about a successful start, with audio, communication and communications, computers and gaming, fitness and digital health, home and entertainment, household appliances, smart home, mobility with photos, video and content creation, and the latest Technology and innovation bring interconnectivity, simplicity and an unparalleled life experience.

Austeller: At the IFA 2024, the world’s major and innovative brands will be presenting their new products. Over 2,000 exhibitors were present in the areas of “Home & Entertainment”, “Home Appliances”, “Smart Home”, “Communication & Connectivity”, “Audio”, “Computing & Gaming”, “Photo, Video & Content Creation”, “Fitness & Digital Health”, as well as “Robotics and Mobility”. From the global giants with LG, Samsung and Miele, the innovative innovators are busy offering a new overview of the new technologies and trends. Because the halls have been moved, you should experience the experience of the exhibitor and the live technology of the technology.

Events at IFA 2024

The IFA war in Berlin is a magnet for innovation and a year-long extensive program, which includes new smartphones and gadgets in the field of AI technology. With 120 high-level speakers and a focus on the most important topics of the time – AI, Sustainability, Connectivity, Fitness & Digital Health, so that Content Creation – the IFA 2024 will be a must for Technikfans at the next Blik wieder.

Moreover, it is exciting to think of a topic that is broken down. Because there are new AI trends, which enable innovations in Smart Home or a digital identity, the IFA initiative for everyone’s technology enthusiasts is one step ahead. The changing stages, with the Innovation Stage, the Dream Stage or the Audio & Creators Stages, offer a platform for deep discussions, live demonstrations and interactive experiences.

Here are 10 new versions of the IFA program for you to consider:

1. Fireside chat with Nicole Scherzinger

  • Date: September 7, 2024, 11:15 AM
  • Order: Innovation podium, City Cube
  • Description: Music and entertainment industry executive Nicole Scherzinger discussed technology’s role in the underworld and her favorite gadgets.

2. Keynote: Introducing Alef – the first true flying car in history

  • Date: September 8, 2024, 11:45 AM
  • Order: Dream Stage, IFA Next, Hub 27
  • Description: Jim Dukhovny, CEO of Alef Aeronautics Inc., presented the first flying car. This presentation is intended to promote mobility.

3. AI4Good – How AI can help solve the world’s most important problems

  • Date: September 9, 2024, 11:15 AM
  • Order: Dream Stage, IFA Next, Hub 27
  • Description: Paul Springer, co-founder of MI4People, said AI could tackle larger global challenges.

4. “How to Win an Academy Award for Costume Design: An Expert Look at 3D Printing”

  • Date: September 6, 2024, 10:30 AM
  • Order: Creators Stage, Hall 17
  • Description: Julia Koerner, an expert in 3D printing, got a glimpse of the world of design and innovative technologies with the 3D printing in movies.

5. AI for good: use cases on how AI positively impacts work environments, climate and other areas of life

  • Date: September 9, 2024, 3:30 PM
  • Order: Innovation podium, City Cube
  • Description: Presented by Annette Hamann and Prof. Dr. Gesche Joost, who have the Application-Fall vision, of which KI has its positive Effects hat.

6. Panel: What does GenZ REALLY want?

  • Date: September 8, 2024, 2:15 PM
  • Order: Dream Stage, IFA Next, Hub 27
  • Description: Nour Idelbi, Gründerin von SafeSpace, discutiert, wie Unternehmen de Generation Z ergolgreich ansprechen.

7. Fireside Chat with Ben de Pear: Navigating Fake News and Its Impact

  • Date: September 9, 2024, 11:15 AM
  • Order: Innovation podium, City Cube
  • Description: Ben de Pear, chef of Channel 4 News, focuses together with others on the herausforderungen by Fake News and the Auswirkungen on Unternehmen und Gesellschaft.

8. “The Evolution of Content from Millennials to Gen Z”

  • Date: September 6, 2024, 11:45 AM
  • Order: Creators Stage, Hall 17
  • Description: Kristian Costa-Zahn, Head of Content at ARD Kultur, explains, however deeply, one of the younger generations out there.

9. TECHNICS Discussion: The Resurgence of Vinyl in Electronic Music and Its Impact on the Industry

  • Date: September 6, 2024, 2:00 PM
  • Order: Audio podium, Hall 13
  • Description: A discussion about vinyl records in the music industry with various experts and art, moderated by Sven Schäfer.

10. Fest & Flauschig LIVE with Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz

  • Date: September 8, 2024, 7:00 PM
  • Order: Summer garden stage
  • Description: A live broadcast of the credible podcasts „Fest & Flauschig“ with Jan Böhmermann and Olli Schulz. A highlight for fans of both entertainers.

A Critic Blick: Was the IFA Still a War?

So maybe the program is so good that the question is: Isn’t the IFA 2024 more visible than the invisible event for technology, that is the first war? In recent years, the technology industry is becoming increasingly popular, and the messages that the IFA makes possible, they will be relevant. A critical view says that the Messe in the Vergangenheit is often used as a platform for innovative innovations, in addition to the Konkurrenz by other tech events and online presentations that have such offers. So reassure Apple at its own event on the new iPhone 17.

There are a number of experts and experts who do not know the IFA in the time of the time. If the innovations presented are new and relevant, or is the trade often a larger expansion? How is it going with the focus on nachaltigkeit and gesellschaftliche sales results in the best products and reflective discussions?

Fazit: Warum sich ein Besuch dem lohnt

All criticism of the IFA is a one-sided search, an active Trends and Developments live are experience and are with experts and Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen. For everyone, who is interesting for smartphones, gadgets, apps and AI, the fair can be opened at a certain location, but these themes are fun.

At once, in the technology that lasts longer, it is a matter of information and a new state of affairs. The IFA 2024 offers an excellent platform. If you also have the chance, the fair will be bought, you will probably get a turn, while the IFA makes the transition to the technology fair that is offered.

If you want to buy your ticket and use the technology first hand!