
The Bhagwan Sect in the 1980s in Cologne

The Bhagwan Sect in the 1980s in Cologne

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  2. North Rhine-Westphalia

The Bhagwan Sect in the 1980s in Cologne
Die Hände zum Himmel: So sah a spiritual Zeremonie der Bhagwan-Bewegung aus. © IMAGE

Ausgerechnet in Catholic Cologne provided the Bhagwan Sect with education in the 1980s – we will look at new young people in the night hours.

Cologne – Der Ruf ihrer Disco is one of the most legendary in Cologne. In the 1980s the Belgian Viertelfestival was in the Hands of the Bhagwan Sect. At the Kölns Partymeile, during the Kölner Ringen, the Movement moved into its own Club, the great “Bhaggi”. An absolute Neuheit am Rhein: Die Disco war hell erleuchtet, ganz in Weiß and with fell Platz, wie messageset.

The Bhagwan Sect was founded by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (*1931 to †1990), an Indian guru and philosophy professor. This is a commercially very hereditary Ashram in Pune in Southwest India. A meditation center with a relaxing meditation and health center, the sin of the world of well-being.

“Sexuelle Freiheit” as alternatives Lebensmodell

In the open, the Bhagwan movement would be known as a “Sex Cult”. If we are all a Bhagwan-self, there are great conflicts with the sexual theme: sexuality is a question of spirituality and freedom. People have put their sexual desires and fantasies on a guilt or guilt feeling after they have suffered a damage to a scandalous representation.

Die Lehre war eine Kombination aus östlicher Philosophie, Meditation und Westlicher Psychology, die auch veldereolgreiche Geschäftsleute en Intellectual ansprach – “Freiheit” als alternatives Lebensmodell in einer duchgeplanten, karriere-fixierten Gesellschaft. When Bhagwan founded the Ashram in India in 1981 and nursed it in the US, there was a suspension in the world of Glaubensgemeinschaften around the world.

That Bhagwan in the Belgian Viertel

In Cologne the Bhagwan Movement started in the 1980s with a center in the Belgian Quarter, where a high meeting point for supporters and interested people was created. The center also offers daily meditations, workshops and seminars.

Die Anhängerinnen und Anhänger trugen Kleidung in Rot und Orange, dazu häufig spirituellen Schmuck. About 450 people live during the day in the community. Everything in Rot-Orange was dressed, in the city picture not over-sehen – and the mittens in Catholic Cologne, including Millions of Liebesschlösser and the Hohenzollernbrücke brought since: The Erzbistum fühlte sich provoziert, the Anwohner were misstrauisch bis ängstlich.

A Cologne Empire in Red

The struggle against the alternative Commune War in the 1980s was enormous. Hundreds of people have to be taken care of, and most financial matters will become: the Bhagwan-Bewegung gründete more Unternehmen in Cologne, a Verlag, a Restaurant, a Lebensmittelmarkt. These elements are considered to be part of the movements involved, and are therefore very important. There are Steuerberater, a Bauunternehmen and Ärzte – a Geschäftsrijp.

If all Disco Bhagwan ever discussed in Talkshows: Sollen mitten in Cologne, is the Diskothek deutsche Jugendliche for the Indian Glaubensrichtung angeworben? For all the young women who wage war with the club, the war is a fact and hell, the power of the fraudsters, a hint of the rulers of the sector: the shine of the big, fried party. One of the späteren sessions can be carried out in the night by contacting your trip.

The End of “Freedom”

The Red Harmony finally started with a bang: The Indian guru and one of the fishermen who went to work in the US. The last time was the Verschwörung, Betrug and Verstöße gegen das Einwanderungsgesetz – en sexual Übergriffe. Bhagwan said the time in the US in U-Haft. His Verschwendungswucht – another person is a good Dutzend Rolls-Royce – became public. The entire movement implodes. Bhagwan was born in 1985, while he lived in India and Osho.

The Skandale from the US was taken to the Auflösung der Kommune in Cologne in 1986. Those Mitglieder were in Boden Zerstört. Die Unternehmen der Bewegung blieben bestehen. One of the things that didn’t happen in Betrieb.