
Anja Stephan – The Left

Anja Stephan – The Left

Anja Stephan is the lead candidate for Die Linke in der Neustadt. The 49th anniversary of the Children’s, Youth and Family House “Louise” is a study of the Social Worker and works at the Wahl in the Frühjahr in the Stadtstrasse.

Anja Stephan – The Left
Neustädter Director candidate for the Landtag: Anja Stephan


How can I live my party in the past period during the Saxony period?

If the opposition party has its own vision, the active government coalition will keep our Anträge under the leadership of the Prinzip. Dennoch can do a number of things with the coalition: It is often the case that the policy has not been completed and that there is no longer any new direction. Three projects, including: 1,400 schools with a personal budget for external personal expenses, 2. in Sachsen after the Vorbild Thuringia’s own repair bonus, 3. with a positive approach to living space and a home improvement in the development of social housing.

Image Policy

Would you like to make a larger plan, is a Bildungssystem active in Saxony, especially in Bezug auf Lehrermangel and Digitization in Schulen?

Kurzfristig ends up in the multi-professional teams of Schulen (such as Schulsozialarbeiter*innen or Schulpsycholog*innen), a Lehrkräfte zu entlasten, so it is fully fledged on the Unterrichtte konzentrieren können. Deshalb muss Schulsozialarbeit and alle Schulen vom Kultusministerium were accepted.

The presentation of the Learning Skills must be carried out in practice.

Mittelfristig is a Bildungssystem, if it is no longer possible, it may be that the Fachwissen in the Köpfe of pumps, under one of the Motivation, Neugier, Own Initiative and Teamgeist get off the ground. Deshalb wollen met Gemeinschaftsschulen starken und Rahmenlehrpläne, de Lehrkräften meer Freiräume bei der Unterrichtsgestaltung lassen.

With Blick auf Digitization of woolen thread is a Fach Medienkunde einführen. Solange in debt has not used the W-Lan network, it is another way of digitizing.

Economy and workspaces

Who wants to develop and strengthen economic development in Saxony, the new workplace in future branches? How good are your results, how good your experience will be?

Preparation for a good economic development is a good infrastructure! It starts with Verkehr and ÖPNV, Wohnraum, Krankenhäusern and Bildung. The active management concerns the sogenant debts, the own debt of an investment broom. It is a business-political company: Gerade jetzt braucht es Investitionen in Infrastruktur, Bildung und Klimaschutz. That affects economics. No one is happy if our children and some of them are not in debt, about the poor infrastructure, a broken economy and an unbridled climate.

If you click on the Fachkräfte page, it is about a lohn and a good social infrastructure that is the best way to use the Fachkräftemangel. Because there is medical care, there is a good connection with the bus and the railway and there is a knee or a community center in Jedem Dorf. The result is a final result, but the state of affairs is not more than solid, the lower floors. We will make wollen Sachsen vom Niedriglohn-zum Tariflohnland! If the rate is higher, the Schnitt can quickly amount to 1,000 Euro more in the bag at the end of the month.

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Environmental and climate protection

What strategies are developed if you want to use the climbing protection? Which measurements do you have Are you reacting to the climbing hike?

When the time is ripe, the climbing protection is no longer functional, when the human being is considered. There is no one in the überfordern, the state parties will earn more money, if they earn money, it is so that they can enjoy life. The people who ensure that the climate protection makes a profit, compensate the community and the better wind profits. Why should the profit of the wind turbines not be financed to the Kita-Gebühren? Make sure that you can no longer use the city and the heat to increase the temperature. That is why it is necessary to take fast masses, as more water and green surfaces, so that especially older people do not suffer from the heat.

Health care

What kind of information should you take into account the medical care in Saxony and how to improve the health care sector? If the problem arises, if the diaconie-krankenhaus of the time is on the campsite, how well are those bezüglich gegensteuern?

Ownership is one of the federal bene courts in a healthy system with solidary insurance, in all respects. Short-term must also act finally. If Linke can solve the financing problem of the financial institutions a year later, this can lead to a larger investment in the country, which entails a large investment and investment costs. With a view to the gilded Fachkräftemangel these have arisen. Additionally, more training capacities are needed, better financing of practices and better conditions for innovative practice models, such as mobile care centers or care centers as well as outpatient clinics.

Integration and migration

Is the plan the integration of migrants who are starting out, insightful education opportunities and labor market integration?

Yes, the integration of humanity, it will be a fact that a lot of work will be done. It’s a good idea to take one of the best roads. If you want to know more, you might get the chance to work. Die schnelle Anerkennung ausländischer (Berufs)abschlüsse of Qualifikation im Job sind dabei central. The best way to learn the language is to learn the language course. All children and youth brauchen a Schulplatz!

Dresden New Town

If one of the students in the Landtag of the Dresdner Neustadt found a solution, was it available again?

Vielfalt, Spannung, Inspiration und Herausforderung – all in one, more complete Gegensätze and Spannungen. My Empfehlung for an Einblick who types here, is two Stunden am Goldenen Reiter, in Rosengarten, for der Scheune, in Alaunpark and one of the “Schiefen Ecke”, in AZ Conni and in OKA.

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