
Olper Kreistag verschiebt mögliche Resolution in Sachen Gynäkologie-Schließung

Olper Kreistag verschiebt mögliche Resolution in Sachen Gynäkologie-Schließung

Lennestadt. “Der Kreistag fordert de Krankenhausträger des St. Josefs Hospitals in Altenhundem, de GFO, af, die Anzeige zur Nicht-Zuweisung der Leistungsgruppe Geburten and das St. Josefs Hospital in Altenhundem aufzugeben.” Diesen Antrag hat de SPD-Fraktion am Montag in der Sonderitzung des Gremiums gestellt. If a processing stops working, the paper cannot be acquired.

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The theme of the Schließung der Geburtshilfe der Klinik der Gemeinützigen Gesellschaft der Franziskanerinnen zu Olpe (GFO) beschäftige de Menschen nach wie voor sehr, said Christin-Marie Stamm for the Begründung des Antrags. At the end of June, Der Rat in Lennestadt received a resolution indicating the struggle and care for people. Now that you see the fraction in the Kreistag, a quick processing of the results dies according to your choice. Leader sei the region sowohl in Berlin as well as in Düsseldorf after who “sehr weit weg” and müsse verstärkt auf sich aufmerksam machen, bedauerte Stamm.

Region itself in Erinnerung Bringen

If you use the Krankenhausträger GFO, the separation can lead to a revision of the situation, while one of the ‘Responsible in the country and the Bund’ has a great impact on growth and an excellent financing of the economy. At the same time, the Landrat is bitten, the conversation with the Responsible with the soul so intensifies, that a birth aid remains in Lennestadt. “

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For the CDU, Michael Hecken has taken over the paper and the intermediate material and can do so with his woolen stimulation. If there is an uninteresting way of thinking in the faction, it is their own fault.

The GFO as a Trägerin is an independent society, on the sides of politics and administration no director will have had any influence. There is no idea that responsibility can be separated a little and that you can think.

Hansen criticizes Vorgehen des Trägers

Möglicherweise can be led by the Kreistag, Einfluss nehmen, warf Fred Josef Hansen für Bündnis 90/Die Grünen ein. There is a fact that the GFO has an interesting interest, in the region as one of the countries that can enjoy the city in the future. When I take action, I have the feeling that it is not such a happy feeling, says Hansen: “I could do that otherwise! Vielleicht sollten wir die Resolution daher yet abschied!”

The country where Hansen was fragmented, whoever could start discussing a few weeks with the Amtskollegen Dr. Karl Schneider of the HSK, was seen. It is wise that people from the Nachbarkreis bilang Lennestadt often use the “Haus der Wahl”.

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Conversations with GFO and Ministerium vorgeschlagen

Theo Melcher went to the Austausch with his Amtskollegen not one, afterhm dafür aber the Verantwortlichen der Krankenhausgesellschaft in Schutz. When it comes to becoming more diverse, it is a different Gründen that is no different, if the Geburtshilfe a einem Standort in Kreis Olpe in bündeln.

“Those days, in the world where everything can be governed by money, it is possible,” said the Landrat. Even if the GFO has its Verfügung with the Mittel, “it is personal, a gesetzlich geforderten Kapazitäten in ausreichendem Maße zur Verfügung zu set.”

Melcher wants to pronounce neither the SPD nor the Kreistag the Verbalission of the Resolution. It is a question of fairness, everything you can do to find a solution. The Landrat will file for, at the next regulatory meeting of the Kreistages am 30. September so wohl Vertreter der GFO once, as a Speaker of the Ministeriums in Düsseldorf. There is certain that one of the consequences of the Olper Landrates was an attack on the market.

The Zeiten, in everything that has to do with money management, are always good.

The Melcher, Landrat, zu fehlendem Fachpersonal

“If only I could speak to the Rat in Lennestadt, I would not speak to it before the GFO,” said Melcher noch an. There is a way to get through all the Fraktionen op Zustimmung. The UWG itself had the opportunity to inquire about the weld, there is Meinolf Schmidt. There is an end to the fact that it is no longer in the Kreistag to die.

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Landrat lobs Kompetenz der Kräfte into Rettungswagen

Marion Schwarte (CDU) does not want to know what the withdrawal wagon for the fall is, a gynaecology that takes so long, that it can take longer before an adequate care genius has emerged. It takes a long time before the land rat and the herausragende Australian and Weiterbildungsstand der Rettungskräfte are active. After we had had the most fun making plans, Theo Melcher stirred. If it does not work, then the Kompetenz der Retter is the most important, the signal is überzeugt.