
Is Kiffen more schädlicher than Tabakrauchen?

Is Kiffen more schädlicher than Tabakrauchen?

The study of the cannabis consumption and head fund and Halskrebs program (HNC) is an example of this research. They are based on data from 116,076 people with cannabis consumption and a comparison group of four million people without comparable disorders. The data come from a large multi-center database, the clinical analysis of 64 general organizations has fallen once from 20 years to April 2024. You can expect the Krebsfall of a year of cannabis consumption.

“This is one of the first studies – and the largest bislang –, the heads and necks with cannabis consumption in connection bringt”, explains Dr. Niels Kokot, Head and Neck Surgeon at the USC Head and Neck Center and lead author of the study. There is concrete: “The knowledge of these risk factors is great, the head and neck circles can be hindered when humans are erased, but the spread of the risks is high.” Denn: Head and neck circles are the most secure Krebsart world. There are more Krebsarten, Darunter Krebs in Mund, Rachen, Kehlkopf, Oropharynx (Zunge, Mandeln and underlying Rachenwand) and the adjacent Speiheldrüsen.


The high expectations of individuals with cannabis consumption are a significant risk for the Entwicklung of HNC generation. In the overview of the control group you can influence the art of head and collars on a 3.5-fold height.

Please note that the risks apply to the next Krebsarten festival:

  • Mundhöhlenkrebs (Risikoerhöhung is a factor of 2.51)
  • Oropharynxkrebs (Risikoerhöhung um den Factor 4.90) and
  • Kehlkopfkrebs (Risikoerhöhung with the factor 8.39)

The Forschenden stellten fest, the person with a cannabis consumption disorder has a head and neck cancer, a suspension of factors with alter, joint, ethnic dependency as well as alcohol and tobacco consumption. Kokot and his team shine, the cannabis smoke of the main group for the high credit risks is the DNA peninsula and the Entzündungen with tobacco smoke-surrendered.

It is a statement in itself that Frage, or Cannabisrauch potentially could be more damaging than Tabakrauch. “Cannabis is normally filtered and provides deeper inhalation like tobacco,” said Kokot. “If cannabis is consumed at a higher temperature than tobacco, it is risky to grow there.”

The study said that the cannabis condition increases the risks for HNC, and that consistent over different alternative groups are left behind. It is best to take a next step, one of the mechanisms generated and the dosage effect inspiration that will cause its action. Künftige studies sollten strict control roles used, a warning for the cannabis consumption as a risk factor for HNC are strong.

Questioning is not new

The research results lead to still unclear evidence, the effects of cannabis on the cancer risk are unknown. A study by the “Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment” in the year 2017 has strongly shown that the Hinweise population has founded, that the marijuana consumption with the disease a long-term bronchitis in the future.

The American Lung Association (ALA) says it will study the health benefits of marijuana consumption, with guidance on lung health. You have been warned about the violence of smoking marijuana. Smoking is generally harmful to the lungs, regardless of whether wood, tobacco or marijuana is burned, according to the ALA. Jewelry is made of gift items and carcinogenic jewelry.

Marijuana smoking is one of the most harmful substances of tobacco, which is not so cancer-free. Nevertheless, Marijuana smoking is one of the best, especially for children in the home. We repeat the use of the passive passion of marijuana as ALA is no longer needed, a fundamental recommendation of the use of marijuana. The organization works on patients, marijuana only in summary with your doctor to use and that alternative forms of marijuana in consideration see.