close Expert Warren Levy joins Element79-Board! Expert Warren Levy joins Element79-Board!

Gold discoverer Element79 Gold (WKN A3EX7N / CSE ELEM) report high quality on the board of directors. Warren Levy, bislang “nur” Berater des kanadische Unternehmens, soll Element79 zukünftig seine great Latin American expertise in nor great Umfang zur Verfügung set.

Mr Levys is taking on a great responsibility in the sustainability area in his career, and has held more leadership positions in the energy and fuel sectors. Mr Levy has done more business with foreign operations, which have taken as an example and have implemented their activities in the sustainability area, where efficiency and capital investment have been used and have become positive through local community activities. It is an aspect, with Element79 among his investments, the Peruvian gold mine Lucero again in operation, in the Vordergrund steltt.

In the years that Mr. Levy carried out the expansion of his activities in the Bereichen Erdöl, Bergbau and High-Tech-Industrie in Late America and Asia, he expanded his borders. If the authorization of the late American energy policy takes over the expertise of the discourse of the energy and natural resources in the beige region and a perspective on the energy policy and the central role of the nachhaltige enterprise of the beige poverty reduction.

Mr Levy led regional oil and gas engineering companies with active operations in Peru and war, CEO of Jaguar Exploration and Production, the largest privately owned gas company in Mexico, who is of the Gründung, is his market leader in the lasting gas promotion leader. There is a small part of the world in which a large number of books is a large Mexican Congo.

Antonios Maragakis holds a position as director of Element79 in Zurück, which now holds a position in the Consultative Committee of the Companies.

Element79 CEO James Tworek said: “Wir no longer wants to do his job, Herrn Levy as the board of directors of his company, his wealth of experience and his employees Know-how is separated from a number of beets, which are the strategic path of the Unternehmens define, follow the guidelines and move forward with innovative practice.” Mr. Tworek explains further: “We have since seen the light of day, since Antonio’s knowledge has been passed on, as we continue to be aware of it, since our knowledge and experience are clear. I would like to thank you for my bisherigen-beiträge and our sincere support.”

Element79 offers the opportunity to place the first entry on the list and to shift the OTCQB leader. The note will take place in the first week of September. The man is guilty of such a data swap.

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