
Kevin Costner has a new lease on life after 39 years

Kevin Costner has a new lease on life after 39 years

After a quick 40 years, Kevin Costner has started a new syndication – the starting signal for his epic film series “Horizon”.

Diesen Sommer is erwartet euch mit “Horizon” der Auftakt zu een viersteiligen Western-Saga von en met Kevin Costner (“Der mit dem Wolf tanzt”). If you achieve a monumental project with a different future here, you can make a small detour from the costs.

When TOBIS performed the film adaptation in one of the press conferences, Kevin Costner showed a new German dubbing in “Horizon”. Watch the Roadmovie “Fandango” from the year 1985 when Kevin Costner appeared here in the 81s Frank Glaubrecht synchronized. In the 45th century, the synchronizations of Hollywood legends that promote their stimulation work, but now there is a nachfolger user.

Bernd Vollbrecht Lautet der Name von Kevin Costner’s new Synchronsprecher. Der 70-Jährige ist unter Anderem als deutsche Stimme von Antonio Banderas (‘Die Haut, in der ich wohne’), Greg Kinnear (‘House of Cards’), Jeffrey Dean Morgan (‘Supernatural’) and Peter Capaldi (‘Doctor Who “) confesses. Bernd Vollbrecht and Kevin Costner were shown for all four planted “Horizon” films.

Views of the Bevorstehenden Filmstarts von „Horizon“ am August 22, 2024 dared to meet Kevin Costner for an interview. Was the director and creator zu erzählen hatte, erahrt ihr anbei:

Kevin Costner’s Brain Project “Horizon”

With “Horizon” Kevin Costner would have written an epic story that would last a great time. The first time feature films are played is broken down and expressed in a longer time six o’clockThe third four-time winner would then go into production. The project has Kevin Costner investing 38 million US dollars from his private company.

“Horizon” depicts who the American-American West was lost. The film saga follows more characters, who Siedler*innen, the dominant one of the Massakers, who form an enemy army by the American army, through an unwanted change with vereherende followers of the Zielscheibe for a Clan and a quiet Murder world. Letzterer would be sold by keinem Ringeren as Kevin Costner.

When I heard “Horizon”, I will die on August 22, 2024 in Kino Tun. Other Western highlights with a “Yellowstone” can stream another with Sky’s entertainment package.

Is there any western fans? Then we ask you to know more about it in our own Quiz after the Probe:

The Big Western Quiz: Can You Identify All the Films and Images?

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