
Tod von Erntehelfer shocks Italy

Tod von Erntehelfer shocks Italy

This high labor load and extreme heat are the most common grounds for the death of a land worker in Italy. When the Unlucky acts, it is a matter of itself.

The most important thing in the round

  • The temperature in Europe is determined by experts.

  • For the Landarbeiter: there is a good chance that the Hitze has a problem.

  • The labor conditions on the field can no longer be resolved.

To them Tod eines Blumenpflückers in Italian Shocking reports about the treatment of migrants: in the Bauernhöfen in the country. Nach Informationen von “The Guardian” gehe man davon aus, dass Dalvir Singh und een combination aus more extreme Hitze and higher Arbeitsbelastung istorben ist. A field in the city of Latina in Central Italy was financed on August 16.

Kolleg: In the 54th century, speaking to “The Guardian”, there was not a single crazy war and a “kind man, who still has heart equipment”. There is a regular money a seine family in Punjab, in Norden Indians, geschickt en habe planted, in de nächsten Jahren zurück in seine Heimat zu kehren. Signal Sohn und sein Schwiegersohn versuchen nun, seinen Leichnam zurück nach Zelf zu zijn.

The reason an autopsy was performed for the following month. The state sanation has not paid attention to the question of the Singhs Tod and the question, where his Arbeitgeber dies notnauwen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen bei Hitze affected hat.

Rising temperatures are hard for land workers

More than 47,000 people since Expert Assessments 2023 in Europe an den Folgen hoher Temperatures storbenthe warm year begins with warming. The entsprechende model study led by the “Barcelona Institute for Global Health” was to be published in the Fachblatt “Nature Medicine”.

In Italian landwirtschaft since after Schätzungen etwa 230,000 people are living illegally – There are many migrants from the states of India or Pakistan. Trotz der Milliardeneinnahmen, the Italian lucrative Lebensmittelindustrie generates, is the work on the Feldern with low work hours, long working hours and short working hours. Vall products that are reset will land in German Supermarkets.

Im Video: “Höchste Warnstufe” – Auswärtiges Amt warnt voor Reisen nach Süditalien

More shocking falls

Die Fälle von Mishandlung der Erntehelfer:innen in Italian is free. I reported to the Italian police in July the message after more than 30 Indian migrants: I ended up on a farm in Mittelitalien, which I also did Passe unlawfully ingested become and your Undo the work and the human work were approved. Both owners will become available after information from the Deutschen Presse-Agentur.

In June of this year, an Indian autumn storm hit the sails, and an Arbeitsunfall in the South of Rome his rights Poor lost herded and fadedohne dass sein Arbeitgeber sich major darum kümmerte. The Italians are now responsible for their judgment. “Wenn extreme Hitze mit Krimillen Activities in the Landwirtschaft It is clear that the Tragödien has come a long way over a long period of time, says Fabio Ciconte, director of the Non-Government Organisation for Agriculture and Agriculture Terra.

Another Deathfall, the parallel zu Singhs Fall, is one of the sparks Dembele in picturesa tomato pflücker in the southern province of Foggia, on August 7, shows years at 28 years mutmaßlich ebenfalls een Hitze und Überarbeitung starb. “The Guardian” has used Foggia to send and spread messages.

Gefahr durch Hitzestress bij Landarbeit

The news that followed a one-time lecture by Dembele, which had taken place for many years at Bauernhöfen in France and Italy, was a fact that a summer in his life had become a flute. “Unter Solchen Bedingungen zu Arbeiten ist de Höllenot life”, is one.

Klimawissenschaftler: be warned that Wandererbeiter will hear the ones they hear, die am dealing with the extreme heat in Europe and the peace of the world shame. “Die Menschen, die (durch Hitzestress) sterben, sind die, um die wir us in der Gesellschaft am wenigsten kümmern“, says Friederike Otto of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and the Environment at the Imperial Institute.