
HR Team works for “Dolles Dorf” in Sinntal-Jossa

HR Team works for “Dolles Dorf” in Sinntal-Jossa

  1. Fuldaer magazine
  2. Kinzigtal
HR Team works for “Dolles Dorf” in Sinntal-Jossa
If you want to see another man in the Landgasthof “Zum Jossgrund”, this will be a Harley-Davidson-Treffen-stattfand. © private

Fernseh reporter Nora Enns hates the Auslosung in Hessenschau: Man weiß, that man irgendwann sucked and then schnell etwas organizers muss. If it’s that good, it’s a man who is extremely rare. Wars are taking place in Sinntal-Jossa.

Sinntal – Ortsvorsteher Stefan Walther has the most program for the message of “Mad Dorf” Jossa bereits in Hinterkopf and wurde sofort aktiv, nachdem in the Nachricht telephone by a Jossaer Bürgerin erreichte, who in his softness nach der Auslosung in der Hessenschau rageufen hatte .

And then the ortsvorstehers’ phone “gleamed”. So message is the ehemalige Jossaer Ortsvorsteher Günter Walther. The Fernseh team lined up together with Stefan Walther and the well-trained Vorbereitungsteam sister team. Erster Programmpunkt war de Ortsrufanlage, one of the letzten Anlagen in Deutschland.

HR Team works for “Dolles Dorf” in Sinntal-Jossa – Send news

During the breakthrough by the Rufanlagenprecher Günter Walther am Freitagmorgen, all programs and a final delivery of a Citizens and Citizens as well as Guests zum Abschlusstreff bei the Feuerwehr ausgesprochen. Der Sprecher hatte de Einladung nor met dem humorvoll-forms Satz ergänzt, dass die Teilnahme eigentlich Pflicht sei.

Guilty acts can no longer take place. In an interview with reporter Nora Enns, Günter Walther said that the Rufanlage started the war on January 23, 1960.

Steering controls

Der Beitrag zum “Dollen Dorf” in Jossa wird am Samstag (24 August), at 7.30 pm, in the “Hessenschau” of the Hessische Rundfunks ausgestrahlt.

At the moment that the fragmentation lasts longer, the function of the speakers has disappeared, such as Günter Walther, who works for 20 years as the source of care that can be used through time. After the Wahl session, Stefan in turn started in the year 2016 with the indirect beautiful, this function is performed again.

Another program image of the “Minikirche” on the high slate. Chris Buchhold, Alleen des Erbauers Robert Buchhold, gab Erläuterungen. If it is not that it is not possible, it is a fact that the world does not have a smaller size of the Kirche.

The Fernsehteam is a reporter for Nora Enns (right) and has a great interest in the Minikirche.
The Fernsehteam is a reporter for Nora Enns (right) and has a great interest in the Minikirche. © private

The Fernseh team has approached Patzer Erden. Horticultural engineer Christian Günther informed about the Herstellung and Entwicklung torffreier Erden, which are often produced in these Unternehmen for years. Since 1953, Jossa has been involved in the production of garden and landscape construction for the hobby sector.

Rohstoff played an important role here because he won in his own Gruben. The team of the Hessische Rundfunks wanted the two Beherbergungsbetriebe “Spessart-Schlösschen” by Burkard Rieger, which had its renovation and weederöffnung as Gruppenhaus, and the other at Motorradfahrern believe Landgasthof “Zum Jossgrund” with hotel.

Feuerwehr Jossa will Reinerlös des Abends für bedürftige Kinderspending

The biker imagines a large part of the guest – I am a friend and here a Harley-Davidson-Treffen –, but also day guests, family and wanderers come here. The Schnitzel- and the Grill dishes became a good experience.

The Weltrekord im Guiness-Buch for the longest backed Schnitzel hält of the Landgasthof after who before. From 15 pm onwards, the Tanzgruppen in the Mehrzweckhalle new a student Passagen auf. The Fernseh team has a small line-up and an interview with the researcher of the Theater Group „Stoark Stoeck“, who left the Stück „Der Meisterboxer“ in November four years later.

An assignment in Patzer Erden's work does not dare to work.
An assignment in the work of Patzer Erden does not dare to work. © private

An answer of thanks Einsatz hatte das Team der Feuerwehr dann beim Schlusstreff at 16 Uhr am örtlichen Feuerwehrhaus. Zahlreiche Menschen were followed by the Ortsfunk in their Einladung and they lost the Tag Gemeinsam with the Fernsehteam ausklingen. The Reinerlös des Abends will die as a volunteer Feuerwehr Jossa for spoiled children’s expenses.

HR reporter Nora Enns thanked everyone, who with woolen wool had a gelungenen Dollen-Dorf-Tag. The team has found film and barrel material a bit – it is no longer possible to let the story progress so that all of Jossa’s stories take place in the minutes-long transmission.

At the Finale of the “Dollste Dorf 2024” and the Golden Uncle Otto of the HR Fernsehens hatte unterdessen der Freiensteinauer Ortsteil Ober-Moos aus dem Vogelsberg At the end of May 2024, the fourteenth place will be sieged. As a Trostpreis you go to the “Onkel Otto” in the original color gray.