
Rettungshubschrauber im Einsatz in Bönen

Rettungshubschrauber im Einsatz in Bönen

  1. wading
  2. Locals
  3. Beans

Rettungshubschrauber im Einsatz in Bönen
The ADAC Rettungshubschrauber “Christoph 8” lands in Mittwoch near Kik in the Bönen Industrial Area. © Kreis Unna

After a bad autumn at Textildiscounter Kik in the Bönener industrial area, the Leitstelle becomes the Rettungshubschrauber. The police help in the country.

Beans – A landowner for the ADAC-Rettungshubschrauber would receive the Kreispolizei am Mittwoch. The alarm went off at 12 o’clock, which is a good notification. “Christoph 8” was a war on the road of Lünen in the Bonner Industrial Area and the trade of the Textildiscounters on the Siemensstraße.

Although the creditworthiness of the employees of the subdivisions is a college in the logistics center at the crafts, there is a leader who likes to do this.

Berufsgenossenschaft eingeschaltet

After the Hubschrauber on a Schleife in the Industrial Area, the land is on the Parkplatz of the Europazentrale des Textildiscounters in Bönen.

Anyone who has the repairs will be deprived of fast transport by the Air Force from the lost Mann. “Christoph 8” could stay with us at the Sankt-Marien-Hospital in Lünen, where we would be stationed.

Weitere Informationen lagen der Polizeibehörde in Unna am Nachmittag noch nicht vor. Autumn now passes as the Labor Sunfall of the sister Berufsgenossenschaft untersucht. If the satisfied workers’ file does not result in a poor life, heißt es.