
Wir suchen deine Geschichte: Was the Corona with its force?

Wir suchen deine Geschichte: Was the Corona with its force?

In a documentation it can happen that the Corona pandemic zurückblicken – en dafür brauchen with deine innerungen, deine ergahrungen, deine ganz personal Geschichte. Who that is, find out here.

Hello, I am Sascha Becker and you may know me as a Moderator of SWR Aktuell Rheinland-Pfalz. I will hear the story and hear the story, and watch the theme, which is part of all life 2020 based on the headline: The Corona Pandemic.

Es went den geese Tag nur um das eine Theme: Corona

When I think about my personal Corona era, it is here: The Corona-Zeit war for my family and my heart’s content. Zunächst mal wie für all others auch. Ask who “Wie kommen wir da gesund durch?”, “Wer kümmert sich um die Kinder, wenn Schule und Kita close since?” did well.

SWR moderator Sascha Becker

Sascha Becker said about the Corona time: “I will always be happy with my seriousness and be comfortable with the rest of my life.”


And then kam noch etwas hinzu. Zum ersten Mal in meinem Berufsleben did not abolish it, the Job draußen zu lassen, I have taken the serious seriousness and the Schwere bends mit nach Hause. Corona hat stop unseren Nachrichtenalltag bestimmt. Underlying lessons, with reasons – it is about the tag nur um that is a theme. An irgendwann has noted: That burdens me beautifully.

Who has undergone the Corona change?

Everyone has other things in their head, we are used to thinking about the pandemic. Welche Gedanken kommen dir? Which separations were correct, which were false? Was we able to learn as a community? In general, I can start my story, but I think the end of the Doku “Zugehört” may have become a different perspective on the Corona time.

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I am free from the right knowledge and from a personal knowledge of matters!

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