
Goinger Bauernhof „produziert“ Artenvielfalt –

Goinger Bauernhof „produziert“ Artenvielfalt –

Auf dem Bauernhof „Artenreich“ was again restored Milch, Fleisch nor Käse. “Our product is the product of the Artenvielfalt”, explains Besitzerin Maria Schmidt. Gemeinsam with his Mann Harald Stoiber looks at Wien den Rücken and nach Tirol zurück, with dem Ziel, the other Hof of the Urgroßeltern with its business activities.

“A special area has emerged that discusses a number of issues with the small business. The artefact is indeed very grim in Rückgang understood,” said Maria Schmidt. As a result, its biodiversity value has changed.

Old photo of Maria Schmidt's Urgroßeltern auf einem Feld


Maria Schmidt’s urgent work in the garden for years to come, then it was rented out

Bauernhof als Praxisbeispiel für Interessierte

In the early years you made the choice to carry out the art protection without being able to do anything about it, Schmidt explains. “It is your own business to invest. We have both worked full time”, so that the Goingerin. Mittlerweile has become the agricultural sector for its bread.

Das Konzept basiere auf drei Säulen: Der tourist Vermietung, Naturschutzförderungen und Bewusstseinsbildung. Letztere bestht aus Workshops und Führungen für interested Personen. Schulklasses, tourists and forschende are the Hof and the Kurse, the Maria Schmidt-anbietet.

Photo series with 7 images

Experiences with renovation

In the years of transition, Schmidt and Stoiber Knowhow stood out. Ihr Wissen is now a landwirtinnen and a landwirte who goes further. If you work together, it is so that the regulation of the EU Renaturierungsverordnung is hilarious.

“That can be done by playing with the land, building the land and creating some sort of environment in the garden,” says Schmidt. This is the case with the Insektenvielfalt am Hof ​​​​nicht nur dem eigenen Hof, in the region of Zugute.

Mahd with insight into insects

If you don’t mind the bird, you will first receive it in mid-July, and understand Schmidt. „Aber with a height of approximately zehn bis 14 Zentimetern. That heißt, that you can live in the Insektenwelt, Amphibien, Eidechsen changed bleiben. And we will be able to keep them indoors.” On the edge, they can still fly, because insects can fly. “Sometimes we can reduce the insect pleasure by 80 percent of 20 percent,” so the Landwirtin.



Die Schafe liefern wiederum Dünger

The grass is cut while it is grown for a long time, in Heuballen it is busy and in winter and the shafe is fresh. “If we were to have a scandal, we would have to deal with it, we would have to deal with it even further,” said Schmidt.

Natural Lebensräume locken Tiere an

Neben Insects in the field and classic farm animals such as sheep and chickens in the stable, it is a new living space for animals. A private property of Trockensteinmauer with insects, spiders and eggplants Platz of Nisten and Leben. If you are looking for a place in the Boden, where you can find a Sandarium, another Sandplatz, in your Egg hide can. A 120 square meters larger of course is the amount of living space for frogs and their lads.

Maria Schmidt and Harald Stoiber


Maria Schmidt and Harald Stoiber

At the Umsetzung van Naturschutzmaßnahmen holten und holen sich Schmidt und Stoiber Unterstützung van Fachleuten, etwa von der Universität Innsbruck oder der Tiroler Umweltanwaltschaft. A project at the nature conservation court has been awarded a high prize, winning the Footprint Award 2024 or the Grand Prix der Biodiversität.