
Deutsche Europameister scheitern in WM-Echtelfinal

Deutsche Europameister scheitern in WM-Echtelfinal

When Europameister sees the German Flag Football men at the WM Chancen. The leader is clean in the Achtelfinal Schluss.

Europameister Deutschland has been kicked out of the final eight at the World Championship in Flag Football. The man of Quarterback Benjamin Klever played Italian in the Finnish Lahti after a short break with 26:48 and his best time.

The Vormittag has let the German team play in the British Gruppenspel on the first Turnierniederlage-kassiert (20:34) and in the Gruppe C the unscathed players now on the zweiten Platz belegt. During the 16th round of the American Football Association Germany (AFVD) the Italian winner of Staffel E.

The AFVD team of national trainer Florian Berrenberg has clearly besieged the service of Auftakt Schweden (42:25) and Georgien (60:0).

The German women have the Vorrunde ungeschlagen als Gruppensieger. After two visits to the service, the AFVD-Mannschaft am Mittwoch gegen Japan (31:28) und Gastgeber Finland (54:12). The Achtelfinalinzug is part of the Gruppenabschluss festival.

Flag Football, 2028 in Los Angeles is Olympic, it is a representation of the classic variants in Sachen Harte anders. It is one of the two end zones on a distance of 50 minutes of 25 yards larger field played. The teams consist of five players or players, who carry a single hand belt two bands (flags). If there is a tackle, dies gilded as tackle.