
1 Kapitalherabsetzung und Aktienzusammenlegung met Wirkung op August 29, 2024

1 Kapitalherabsetzung und Aktienzusammenlegung met Wirkung op August 29, 2024

IRW-PRESS: Medigene AG: Medigene AG fully updated 2:1 Capital recovery and action plans with effect from August 29, 2024

Planegg/Martinsried (IRW-Pers / 26.08.2024)

– Zahl der ausgegebenen Aktien sinkt durch Zusammenlegung im Verhältnis 2:1 from 29,475,189 to 14,737,594

– The collection of the Aktien started on August 29, 2024

The Medigene AG (Medigene oder das “Unternehmen”, FWB: MDG1, Prime Standard) is an oncology platform, which specializes in the research and development of T-Zell-Rezeptor (TCR)-gesteuerten Immuntherapies for the treatment of Krebs, gibt bekannt , on June 24, 2024, the capital reabsetzung and the Aktienzusammenlegung were scheduled to be deleted.

While the first step in the commercial register has been taken, after the previous action has been carried out, the extension of the action is carried out by changing the agreement in the sale 2:1 on 29,475,188 to 14,737,594 pieces. The storage of the depot is automatically carried out with Currency (Ex-Tag) on ​​August 29, 2024. The converted Medigene Aktien was traded on August 29, 2024 under the new Wertpapierkennnummer WKN A40ESG (ISIN: DE000A40ESG2) and the stock exchange. These machines are sold to the Wert der Gesellschaft and cannot be executed on the prozentualen Anteil der einzelnen Aktionäre an der Medigene AG.

The reabsetzung effects as a balance sheet amount a statement of the passive sector of the trading balance of the Medigene AG from “Gezeichneten Kapital” in the “Kapitalrücklage”. You can pay the costs of the agreement with the German company of 1.00 euros and the Transaction capability of Medigene AG in the balance of payments of 1.00 euros according to § 9 Abs. 1 AktG before the care is increased, it may be that the machine is planted.

For the action, which has been concluded on August 30, 2024, it is not more than 2 days since a “Teilrechterregulierung” has arisen. The anteilseigner can be separated individually, with the teilrechterregulierung 0.50 Medigene-teilrechte profit or abgeben. Here the action has been taking place since September 2, 2024 by the Depositary Bank that has taken out a loan. Each transaction of the Depositary Bank can bring about an extension of the term, whereby the jewelry business is automatically carried out and the jewelry business is removed.

— End of the press conference —

About Medigene AG

Medigene AG (FWB: MDG1) is an immunology platform focused on the treatment of T-Zell Receptor (TCR) therapy with an effective treatment of Krebs. The end-to-end platform generates optimal 3S (sensitive, specific and safe) T-Zell receptors with unique and uncontrolled properties, which work in varying therapeutic regimens with T-Zell Receptor-modified T-Zell therapies (TCR-T), TCR-managed T-Zell engager therapies and TCR therapies with natural killer cells, so that the own product pipeline is developed as one of the partnerships.

The MDG1015 TCR-T medical program is a powerful novel TCR-T therapy with more robust tumor indications. The end-to-end platform technology works by treating the T-Zellen, an immunosuppressive tumor microtherapy (TME) with overwind, and the best care for the treatment of the T-Zell arzneimittel products, healthcare and the best therapy maxime iert. Medigene will execute in the MDG1015 TCR-T program in the 3rd quarter of 2024 in the IND region and in the 4th quarter of 2024 in the CTA region. For more information, please visit

This Mitteilung is best in the Zukunft-oriented Aussagen. These mirror the Meinung von Medigene zum Datum dieser Mitteilung more broadly. The Medigene tatsächlich erzielten Ergebnisse können von de zkunftsbezogeneen Aussagen erheblich abweichen. Medigene is not obliged to update the relevant information. Medigene® is a brand of Medigene AG. These markers can increase their ownership or ownership of the states.

From the foundations of the lighter lesbarkeit will have a conflict-specific different display. Make sure that you are in the sin of the treatment for both Conflicts.

Medigene AG

Pamela Keck

Phone: +49 89 2000 3333 01

Email address: [email protected]

If you can no longer find the information about the Medigene information, you can send an e-mail to a means by e-mail ([email protected]). [email protected] were then shown by an unanswered list of advertisements.



Medigene AG

Lochhamer Straße 11

82152 Planegg/Martinsried


Consulting partner: Medigene PR/IR

Phone: +49 89 2000 3333 01

Email address: [email protected]


ISIN(s): DE000A1X3W00 (Active)

Stock Exchange(s): Regular Market in Frankfurt; Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover, Munich, Stuttgart, Tradegate


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