
Einschätzungen vom Profi: With diesen 5 Tipps, Zugreisen became more favorable and relaxed

On the Schiene in the Urlaub: With the railway you can travel, it is late. Take some time to lunge. Trips are also normal and you can think about it. But that’s not a sign.

With the Bahn that goes on a journey, it is so that the person makes a very pleasant journey, while the Fahrt fell out of the country and often came directly into the city. If it is no longer the case that the connections in Ausland are so bad for your plans … Stop! The Fahrt in the train must again cost a lot nor with hektik and stress connected signal.

We spoke with railway expert Sebastian Wilken. Der Herausgeber des Bahnreise-Newsletters Zugpost verrät seine Buchungstipps:

1. If you want something, you can do it

Not only Deutsche Bahn (DB), is a fast fast performance of all European railway companies with dynamic price systems with the best ticket quotas, says Wilken. It is difficult to achieve the vulnerability and the sustainability of the best of the best.

It is better: the first tickets for a connection card are nice. If this problem occurs, it is not possible to remain free and thus continue with the arrangement of the price, you will no longer find the wrong way.

The Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) have followed the dynamic pre-system of the Fachmann flight at the Nightjet-Nachtzügen on the Spitze. With price limits, inner half the cost of the tickets, it is possible that you lie and lie. “It is a bisschen in the direction: you can earn the price of your machine, then the maximum you can do,” says Wilken. The result is more profit.

Was everything for the right Buchungszeitpunkt? “The quality of life is a good price, if you have a right früh bucht, it is a big deal,” says Wilken. If you have the time to go, it is worth using money for the Abfahrt nor a günstigen Ticketpreis money. “Da muss man natürlich den Mut haben, darauf zu setzen.”

Please note that it is important to note that the first test of the Stiftung Warentest: If the German Railways receive Flexpreis-Tickets with the option of receiving the voucher, they will be eligible for the voucher n Strecken with Heranrücken des Reisetages your nachfrage parts deutlich teuer wurden. If you save a lot with the Sparpreis-Tickets of the Deutschen Bahn, it is also possible to pay when you make a purchase.

2. Is this a ticket for other Landesbahnen?

If Hamburg is in Prague in the Eurocity-fährt, the ticket can not be bought at Deutschen Bahn, but at České dráhy, at Tschechischen Bahn. If it is good, the price can be higher than Wilken. It is common knowledge that the cross-border connections at the railway companies of other countries after the tickets are like that.

If a man from a city in Germany travels to Austria, for example, a comparison view is paid on the website of ÖBB. “If Italy wants to go, it can not be with Trenitalia that the lustiger also does not come to the ÖBB-gucken, then this line will go from Germany in Transit through Austria and often be involved by the ÖBB”, Wilken explains. If you are in France, you are best with the SNCF, the thirty state railways. Exactly gold plated for all countries, in which man wants to travel by train.

3. You may want to make a cut

Statistics of tickets can be performed if the Fahrstrecke is removed. As a toy we want to use the “Chiasso-Trick”. The background: All Eurocity-trains from Zurich to Milan are located at this Swiss-Italian border station, which is mentioned in a message on Up to then the savings prize of the Deutsche Bahn is paid. If you have a manchmal lohnen, you can buy a discount card for the entire journey, a ticket for a Chiasso at the DB and a second ticket for a Chiasso at Trenitalia to buy.

Der Haken: When a train is lost and the others can no longer reach it. If you have an Anschlussverlustiging, a man can now boast of his Fahrgastrechte, when he gets a Durchgangsfahrkarte-hat – also, the tickets in a Buchungsvorgang on a platform. Then the man should have, for example, to make others a credible choice, one or other Ziel zu gelangen.

It has never been gilded, when man Fahrschein 1 was on the website of the Deutschen Bahn and Fahrschein 2 on another railway company, in that Beispiel Trenitalia, bought. In such an autumn the journey is over, if Zug 1 is so sped up, Zug 2 will be gone. Then a woman must buy a new ticket for the second Strecke give.

We are more than happy to provide you with information about the expansions and the Zugausfällen, as well as the theme of the sustainable development plan, find out more information on the website of the European Business Centers.

4. Schedule air cushion times

When Wilken himself said, there was a bad time in Kauf Nehme. If you are a man who has no general appreciation, you say. Gerade was with a suit or with teething problems, a bigger plant and a great time-squeezer, when a Bahnhof der Zug gewechselt was.

At Deutsche Bahn there may be a problem when booking a soft drink, but now the results of the puffer fish are determined.

In the federal states of Germany, where the most vigorous traffic measures give you a quick start, it may not be so bad if a man is in a hurry, said Wilken dazu. “Wenn man jetzt aber in other’s country, we knew the connections were good now that we were together, because that was different.”

Signal Rat: Your weniger Alternativen is a gift, the man falls past the Anschluss, desto mehr Puffer plant man lieber für de Umstieg ein. Before you choose the railways, you can spend a night. “I wouldn’t plan on having 20 minutes of spare time without having to spend time.” When the Nachtzug is gone, it is now the Night in the Hotel for Ort and the Hoffnung, that man is afraid to sit in the nightly Nachtzug.

5. Buchungsplattformen check

Gerade wer grenzüberschreitende Zugreisen plant, von Deutschland nach Spanien zum Beispiel, can check the Angebote on Plattformen with Trainline or Rail Europe. “It can often happen that the Deutschen Bahn website opens like this,” says Wilken. Everything is gilded here: Prices apply, and the platforms there are Buchungsgebühren.

As a rule, the purchased tickets are also valid for travel tickets with entreprechenden Vorteilen bei den Fahrgastrechten (see Punkt 3). Allerdings: “Manchmal can be a signal, that means two separate tickets are available,” says Wilken. Solving a problem once in a while is difficult.

The platforms are no longer integrated into all major railway companies. “We have not been able to do this for a long time, since we have a European Buchungsportal hatte, we can easily make everything possible,” says Wilken. Aber es seien Schritte in the right direction. On the Portals they weld their Beispiel on a small Sitzplatz reservation for Züge-kaufen – and for Interrail-Nutzer, die in reservationspflichtigen Fernzügen with wollen.

That is Wilkens finalist Spartipp

Interrail is an interesting alternative, if the inner half of Europe travels that wants. With the ticket, with the man within the continents, it can be that it is a different time – from another day to more months. Wilken: “If there is a best time to see more Ziele, it can be that we buy a ticket.” It is a bit difficult to do this.
