
Deutsche Lufthansa ADR Action: Erholung trotz Herausforderungen – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

Deutsche Lufthansa ADR Action: Erholung trotz Herausforderungen – dax_mdax – Börsennachrichten

The German Airline ADR action was sent on August 28, 2024 at a rate of USD 6,497, which was a slight decline of 0.96% due to the Vortag entspricht. We are proud that these new marketers can take action in the future and that they will result in a minimum of 4.36%. It is worth noting that the Kurs has 7.19% of the 52-Wochen-Tief, but is still 43.60% below the 52-Wochen-Hoch. This Entwicklung is one of the most common problems that the air freight industry can later explain for repairs.

Dividend and Bewertung in Fokus

For the factory in 2024 that Lufthansa had a dividend of 0.32393 USD, an attractive dividend yield of 4.99%. With a current profit ratio of 4.65 and a current cash flow ratio of 1.57, the current action is favorably rated. The perspective of the global global economy and the specific developments in the air freight industry can be the most recent undertaking of the company.


Deutsche Lufthansa ADR action: Buy or sell?! Neue Deutsche Lufthansa ADRAnalyzevom 29. August loves the Antwort:

The noses of Deutsche Lufthansa ADR-Zahlen provide a clear message: Urgent guidance for Deutsche Lufthansa ADR-Aktionäre. Do you want to make a purchase or another purchase? The time had come in the free analysis of August 29.

Deutsche Lufthansa ADR: Buy or sell? Read more here…

Course and further information on the topic:

Lufthansa Lufthansa ADR

Current discussions on the theme:

Lufthansa 2012-2015: wohin geht … (28.08.24)
The Climate Change and its sequel (27.08.24)
Lufthansa – what next? (23.08.24)

Actuelle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen:

Deutsche Lufthansa ADR Action: E. (01:16)
Lufthansa: Leerverkäufer Qube Re. (28.08.24)
Lufthansa: Optimistic Aussagen. (28.08.24)
Lufthansa: Zusätzlicher Belastungs. (27.08.24)
Lufthansa Action: I am Aufwind proud. (27.08.24)

Alle Nachrichten zum Unternehmen

Current analyses of the Companies:

Lufthansa ADR