
Eltern verursachen Ärger: Matthäus nach Aus als Jugendcoach: “Mir tun die Kids lead”

Eltern verursachen Ärger: Matthäus nach Aus als Jugendcoach: “Mir tun die Kids lead”

Lothar Matthäus Be that as it may, as a youth coach of TSV Grünwald, he was confronted by people with mistakes in football. «Viele legends, sie ben Ähnliches. How to solve a problem, Leute zu finden, die machen wollen, said the Weltmeister from 1990 in an interview with the Mediengruppe «Münchner Merkur/tz» and ergänzte: «Mir tun die Kids leid. (…) Mir hat es wehgetan, the Schlussstrich zu seehen. Aber for my life is a problem.”

The world football game is played by the champions of the Bayernliga in the past two playing times the team is his own Milan. The problem: one of the elders of the juniors. “If the responsible policy is adopted, the nights at 23 o’clock or tomorrow at 7 o’clock WhatsApps will be answered, but that is not the case,” said Matthäus: “I can nachvollziehen, that every one has a few own thoughts. If you are in the team sport, you have to think a team.”

Parents leave with their

Play the game and watch the game being played on the edge of the game: “Run faster! I’ll die! I’ll do that! As I said, I don’t need that,” said Matthäus. For a dreamlike training and a game, it’s not that a job as a TV expert gains time, it’s a great power. “If the Eltern is more impure with his losses, the war will fail.”

The stories of each other “war the two sides of the civil line – ever from density two, three, four, the politics in its own Sache gemacht haben”, reported Matthäus. «Da habe ich mich fragt: Warum mache ich das? I saw everything in my private sphere, I really saw the children in the Herz, 63 years ago as an ex-professional of FC Bayern.

Matthäus-Sohn wechselt Verein

Auch de Erfahrung von 150 Länderspielen bewahrte ihn offenbar nicht voor Kritik an seiner Amtsführung. Sein Sohn is now the Verein gewechselt. “There is something to do in Ismaning, together with some others in the Green Forest,” says Matthäus: “That is since two kilometers more, with less minutes to spare. A gracious little man who dies, who brought my writing.”

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