
Radeberg: In eight weeks there is Christmas time at Schloss Hermsdorf

Radeberg: In eight weeks there is Christmas time at Schloss Hermsdorf

In eight weeks it is Christmas time at Schloss Hermsdorf

Christmas Eve is in front of the garden – you will spend most of your time in Schloss Hermsdorf, during the first Christmas market in Sachsen to celebrate the season. Was Sie dazu müssen erase.

By Siri Rokosch

5 minutes

"Castle Lord" Oliver Reetz from the Türen für Sachsens dies on the Weihnachtsmarkt in Hermsdorf.

“Schlossherr” Oliver Reetz from the Türen für Sachsens dies on the Christmas market in Hermsdorf.
© René Meinig

Ottendorf-Okrilla. The peculiarity is that there is even more Monate, until the beginning of the last century. At Schloss Hermsdorf near Ottendorf-Okrilla, the New Year’s Eve begins aber früher – and heavy holidays on the first week of November. If there is a Grund, and the white “Schlossherr” Oliver Reetz, then the Gemächer of the einstigen Herrschaften, under the Prinz Georg of Schönburg-Waldenburg, is next.

Die Kulisse: Das Schloss Hermsdorf near Ottendorf-Okrilla.

Die Kulisse: Das Schloss Hermsdorf near Ottendorf-Okrilla.
© René Meinig

“I am the Jungfrau zum Kinde zu diesem Schloss”

Oliver Reetz hat from Schloss Hermsdorf of the Gemeinde Ottendorf-Okrilla gemietet. “I am the Jungfrau zum Kinde zu diesem Schloss”, says the Gastronom and schließt with great Schlüsseln that they can enjoy their holidays. “The year is 2020 and here a debt burden and the catering war are forgotten,” said the 56-year-old Dresdner. “Damals couldn’t do very well, but it was hard not to enter the castle”, something happened. Gefehlt hatte damas als een Nachfolger des Ehepaares Steffen und Angelika Frenzel, die ich unter meerem anorganisation van Veranstaltungen kümmerten.

Angelika Frenzel has the power to leave neither the decorations in the castle nor the decoration of a building during the Gemeinde. Then the castle can be inherited and a game and a drink in the herrschaftlichen Räumlichkeiten genossen werden. And come with Oliver Reetz in the game. There is a Geschäftsführer of Schloss Hermsdorf GbR and there are no high expectations of other Veranstaltungen on the Beine. The castle is its leadership and the contract will not run until the end of 2026, says it.

“Kein China-Ramsch” at m 1. Saxon Christmas Market

Dass in Hermsdorf Weihnachten so früh im years startet, habe einen Grund, erklärt Reetz: “Bereits die Vorgänger hatten Mitte November immer anstaltet the Christmas market, for everything, weil es nor keine Konkurrenz zu den Märkten in Dresden,” said.

When preparing for the corona roads, there are some feiertags and the roads of the best immunization options on the best terms, we will be the Christmas market on the year 2022 bereitsen on the first of November-Wednesday laid down. “My wife and I are in 2023 so happy and happy that the Christmas market is now in November – Wochenende machen”, laughs the initiator.

Der Rittersaal in Schloss Hermsdorf will be closed.

Der Rittersaal in Schloss Hermsdorf will be closed.
© René Meinig

In those years it fell on November 2nd and 3rd, and a year later the castle was opened and at 10am and 6pm the traders arrived in the warehouse, the works of art were adjusted and they were loaded.

Children can see beispiel Kerzen, Stricken, Jonglieren learn, Spiders, Glocken basteln, Alpakas streicheln, Karussell fahren and the Puppentheater Vollmann besuchen. If you are now in favor of the order, then the charges and both days 11 hours and 16 hours continue in a short time, and the Barock-Zimmer in the first Obergeschoss phase nur 100 Gäste. “Frau Holle” and “Kasper braucht ‘ne Nasenklammer” were raised. Zudem is a spinner for the first time, with the women and young people from Wolle a fade recovery could, and: “Feenschmuck können the mädchen with an immediate upper history recovery,” says Oliver Reetz.

Of course money is one of the most popular Christmas markets for all white things, such as mulled wine, candied früchte and gebrannte Mandeln, as well as Waffeln and Holzofenbrot, Keramik, self-gemachte kleidung and Strick-sowie Korbwaren and Kerzen. “Neu dabei ist in die Jahr die Hanfhütte aus Jena”, kündigt der “Schlossherr” an. “They serve Hanfmulled wine and Hanfpunsch an.” One of the first November weeks, but neither mild sollte, was a kühle getränke, with beer and “good wine”.

I am working on the puppet theatre in Barocksaal.

I am working on the puppet theatre in Barocksaal.
© René Meinig

Musical run “Joe’s Company” in the first Weihnachtsmarktabend am Samstag, from 6 pm then live ab. Since then a Lagerfeuer has been planted, so Reetz.

They were both opened in the Räume des Schlosses. Here Händler and Bastler as well as artists come out. Be sure to study the Rittersaal in the Erdgeschoss, the adjoining garden room in the Hermannsaal. I have been to the Obergeschoss first when I see the Gaste Stände in the Prinzessinnenzimmer and in the Foyer of the Puppenspiel in the Barocksaal, the sons for the highest quality of the world.

What else is being sought?

Oliver Reetz has never used Erzgebirgian folk art or a product from the Spreewald. Make sure it is a wonderful program party. Children are free from age 14 to 14 years old and all others pay 5 euros for each child. We have a Puppet Theater Ticket, so you can enjoy it more.

Owners of the autofahrer have a hint of the Schlosspark to the park, but then they can be painted. Oliver Reetz worked on the Bahn with his bowls. “Der RB 53 nach Königsbrück stop here at the stop point Hermsdorf and braucht 17 minutes from Dresden aus. Since then no more minutes to the Schloss.” I have had a year of 6,000 people visiting the Hermdorfer Schlossweihnacht.

Small Führungen durch das im 15. Jahrhundert erbaute Schloss could übrigens auch über ihn – für a small expenditure – were built, and were in Hermsdorfer Schloss heiraten will, der müsse auch nicht sein Cateringangebot nehmen, concretet there: “I have no four more caterer zur Auswahl,” he laughs.