
A Verpassten Rückflug nach Türkei-Urlaub: Betroffener paints “Abreisedrama”

A Verpassten Rückflug nach Türkei-Urlaub: Betroffener paints “Abreisedrama”

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For a family living in the Turks, with a refund and additional costs. The Munich Administrative Court stipulates “Unclearness”.

Munich – A break in the Turkish war of Antalya in August 2024 Theme at the Amtsgericht Munich. The end of the family vacation is a matter of 19.50 hours before the family leaves the house. These problems are from the family that is carried out at 12 hours after control. If you pass the Flug, you must buy and buy new tickets. This information can now be written by the Amtsgericht.

Verpasster Rückflug nach Türkei-Urlaub: Familienvater paintt vor Gericht Details

Der Familienvater gab an, there habe everything in de signaler Macht Stehende getan, um the Flughafenshuttle at 4.35 PM zu erreichen. I am a hotel war with the family and the children in the other years and 18 months of unused experiences. Auch der Bruder des Mannes keeps themselves busy during the time of day in Antalya. Ihm kam ebenfalls a Rolle in “Abreisedrama” zu.

Airport in Antayla
For a family in love who travels to the airport in Antalya differently than planned. © Image

Im Safe des Bruders seien de Reiseunterlagen der Familie aufbewahrt be. At 15 o’clock the Quartet will last until the end. Der Bruder upgraded his own family at a market in the city.

Shuttle bus available, with taxi coming to the family at the airport and

In the Anschluss “hätten noch Nahrungsmittel für die both Kinder kauft and die Kinder gefüttert and gewickelt were müssen”, this is for Gericht. If the family is happy with the hotel, the shuttle will be available. A restored taxi could no longer bring justice to the airport.

The family can expect the Rückerstattung of 600 Euro for the new editions of Flug am selben Abend. A decision has been made on the fact that there is no information available about the flight plans and that these can no longer be checked. The background to this situation is that it is no longer necessary not to use the shuttle bus.

New Operators at the Munich Airport are busy performing a Flugverkehr effect on the machine. A look is taken at the fact that this is displayed.

Aimed at obtaining the status of Flugtickets: “Unclearance and Andeutungen”

The Amtsgericht München has decided that the family has no more money for the new purchase of Rückflugtickets. If we look at the Ansicht, it is worth organizing everything, the Flug is not so good.

Lediglich ein Entschädigung voor de kürzten letzten Urlaubstag und Anwaltkosten gewährte by de Amtsgericht, insgesamt 174 Euro. The paintings of the men are “prepared for unpainted and detailed works”, “not from the gradlinigen Darstellung eines Versuchs, die Reisepapere zu erlangen”. (with dpa)