
Neuer Radtechnik-Parcours in Kirchschlag is open

Neuer Radtechnik-Parcours in Kirchschlag is open

The Gemeinde Kirchschlag takes place on Samstag, September 7, at 2 p.m. in sportlichem Rahmen on the new Radtechnik-Parcours at Sport- en Freizeitzentrum in Kirchschlag.

KIRCHSCHLAG. The technology trail is a cooperation project with the LEADER region Sterngartl Gusental and very much on the similarly named MTB-Wegenetz Sterngartl Gusental, perfect for the technical part of the radar. If you do an unanswered effort test, you can use the foundations of the bike technology, the engine and the individual driving characteristics, are carried out and festigt. Due to the optimal performance and the high-quality power and the cycling of the biker and the biker are the Technik Trails for the generation generation. Damit has given the Radtechnik Parcours Kirchschlag a great artificial effect of the Gefahren- and Unfallprävention, but for all Spa one of the Bewegung in Hearts of the Mühlviertels.

If there is a firming of the new “Sport- und Freizeitzentrums Kirchschlag” (SFZ Kirchschlag), the Radtechnik trail is another community area. You can do a quick effort of the Einzelstrecken at 15:30. I started a technical presentation by our Radprofis who are small and large, as easy as possible, to test the Trails. Of course, it is the quality of the Wohl management.

Driving Technology Training for Generations

Drops, Singletrail or Rock Garden are a classic adventure, the man who knows a downhill mountain bike route. On the Radtechnik-Parcours Kirchschlag these obstacles can now go a step further: in the course of the pedals. There are many people who use a techniktrail to perform their technical passages on ambitious bikers and bikers. At the Firma Alpreif GmbH, a company with long-term efforts in the development of bike parks, all kinds of adjustments can be carried out, which work with the right Fahrtechnik on gold-plated windings.

About stock and stone

If it is not already so, mountain biking is now no longer possible, while these stripes are a besseren belehrt. A sport for his sports equipment or another way in which the Curves system is closed, is one of the most famous, who finds one of the techniques on the technique course more preferable. From the curvy flowing Trail is the next step to Rock Garden – a classic Steinfeld – and the Shore Trails, boldly laid out Holzelemente. The right direction, the new Schwung and the knowledge about the “guten Fuß” (the more powerful of the two Feße) is often the key to success here.

Asked about himself

My own English cattle trail has made the first laufrade and radar movements: it is possible to test during testing and go along the other side of the road. The dorset located sitting area offers the time to rest, take or new strength together.

Positives Scheitern as Ansporn

So let here the Fahrtechnik be one of the many advantages of the Faktor Geschwindigkeit training. And if it is not so good, it is a matter of talking and it is erneut. The Sturzgefahrt is light and passive, but it is now a bit dangerous to stop and man is in the Gemeinde Kirchschlag near Linz.
Mayor Michael Mair noted: “It’s good that the Technikparcours Herausforderungen is closed, the man can’t go further than a shaft. That wakes up the Spieltrieb. If I’ve had a training, it’s a fact that I can go that far in Kirchschlag am Trail!”