
Zehn Jahre ELA Container Offshore ›WIR

Zehn Jahre ELA Container Offshore ›WIR

Zehn Jahre ELA Container Offshore ›WIR

The ELA Container Offshore team has 30 experts and specialists for the construction, production and sale of special offshore services. (Photo: ELA)

Specifications for knowledge in the maritime area

Haren (Ems) – Wind, Wetter, Seegang or Salzwasser – Container in maritime area and on top of the sea since special consideration should be given to further processing. Darum has established ELA for 10 years as the ELA Container Offshore GmbH, a solution for the Offshore-Einsatz activities.

The development of the offshore equipment at ELA Container began in 2008 with a larger capacity for a fast 200 pieces on the Dockschiff Blue Giant in the Gulf of Mexico. Bald danach started a small ELA team with the Entwicklung a standardized Containers, the most special properties for the Einsatz on Zie verfügt – the 20 Fuß ELA Offshore Allrounder.

The Offshore Container must comply with all relevant Offshore Regulations and Regulations. Mitte 2011 wurde der 20 Fuß ELA Offshore All-rounder eingeführt and empty the Grundstein dafür, künftig Raumlösungen auf seegängigen Schiffen and Platforms vermieten and purchase zu können. Parallel to the Offshore Container itself, components with stairs and gangways can be integrated, creating more container layers.

“At this time we invested in the business and made ourselves known in the industry,” says Hans Gatzemeier, Managing Director of ELA Container Offshore. In 2012, a major expansion of a Mexican company began, which helped some 216 other companies on an offshore platform on the Gulf of Mexico. 54 ELA Offshore Containers were deployed.

In 2013, the ELA was realized with a larger upgrade in the region of a converter platform in the North Sea. ELA lost altogether 30 offshore containers, six stairs and 72 gangways for a triple installation, which is aimed at the platform. I have been informing ELA for a year about a risky evacuation of an Arbeitsschiff.

The launch of a mobile market for the offshore market started in 2014 with the Gründung of ELA Container Offshore GmbH. ELA responds to the strong demand in the business container on platforms and shelves, especially in the energy sector. “The market for offshore products for our products is so large and small that it is especially important that the development of our own products is particularly important,” says Günter Albers, the responsible manager of the company. See the Gründung of Günter Albers and Geschäftsführer Hans Gatzemeier of ELA Container Offshore GmbH in the Doppelspitze.

The container specialists of ELA Container Offshore have relaunched and expanded the products. The stock park is more than 1,000 containers incl. accessories in offshore specification, which are for the fast and flexible deployment to implementation.

But at the location Germany and the 20 feet ELA Offshore Allrounder is no longer available. 2016 when the ELA Container Offshore USA Corp. was founded, a collection of a number of gelände and the technology of a stock exchange on the US-American market was brought to the market. The trading in the US market is continued in Trinidad and Tobago in the Caribbean.
If more special solutions were offered at the Mannschaftsunterkünften, the Product Portfolio would be erased. So the 33 Fuß ELA Offshore Premium Plus Container was completed in 2016. This variant can be combined with more comfort. An alternative version of 20 Fuß Offshore Modell will follow in 2019. The sogenannte 20 Fuß ELA Offshore Light Container would be specifically for the On- and Nearshore-Einsatz.

At a headquarters in Haren (Ems), the ELA Container Offshore GmbH founded a new, in-house production hall in 2017, which will remain at double the value until 2023, a follow-up of the increasing growth rate.

“Before the founding in 2014, I would not have thought that the market would be so strong,” said ELA Container Offshore Managing Director Hans Gatzemeier. The experience and know-how of ELA Container has created a strong partner organization that is engaged in offering ELA Container Offshore services to the market, which is making more and more construction activities possible. “The offshore partnership has therefore become an essential part of the ELA family,” said Gatzemeier.

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