
POL-PPKO: Geschädigter gesucht nach Körperverletzung

POL-PPKO: Geschädigter gesucht nach Körperverletzung

Koblenz Police Station

Koblenz (ots)

In the area of ​​video recordings, which the police in Koblenz have encountered, one of the negotiations was organized in the Casinostraße, in the Bereich-zwischen Forum and Hotel Sander.

The man is 18 years old, has black hair, is dressed in beige hose, white sneakers from Marke Nike and has a white T-shirt with black text.

When the device is used, it is so that young men spend their money and trace their hints. There will be a few things scaled and then a schließlich von a Täter, auf dem Boden ligt, morefach in the Bauchgegend getreten. There are both in the Anschluss who have a little Bauchtasche, soft drink that Täter blows off them.

The Tatzeitpunkt is incomprehensible, the summery weather will be on the last weeks geschätzt. If you see the bright lights, it is so that more passengers go to the video if you see that the war from the war continues.

If you want to add an ID, the problem is unknown. The Police Koblenz is aware of the incidents, and is in contact with them: [email protected]; 0261/92156-300.

Questions to ask are:

Koblenz Police Station
POK’in Verena Dörfer

Phone: 0261-103-2015
Email: [email protected]

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Original content from: Polizeipräsidium Koblenz, übermittelt durch news aktuell