
Nachtleben – More Leben after 10 PM: Frankfurt is a Night Rat – Panorama

Nachtleben – More Leben after 10 PM: Frankfurt is a Night Rat – Panorama

Frankfurt/Main (dpa/lhe) – The city of Frankfurt is dedicated to the development of the night culture and enjoys the nightlife. Dieser Rat setzt sich aus 13 Menschen aus der Stadtverwaltung und de verschiedenen Branchen der Nachtkonomie zusammen, wie de Stadtmitteilte. As a modern metropole, the city has the right to enjoy cultural activities and services “within the späten Abendstunden hinein versügbar zu machen and Lebensqualität auch after 22 hours zu purchase”, says Wirtschaftsdezernentin Stephanie Wüst (FDP).

If one of the clubs is looking forward to a varnishing and the expansion of the „24-Stunden-Stadt“, while it is one of the cultural history of the city, established. During the years that we have spent in the research of the night-time economy – so that other clubs had more geschlosse müssen, there was a mangle and a veranstaltungsflächen in the following way.

Experts for different areas

Statt einzelnen Nachtbürgermeisters hat sich de Mainmetropole nun für einen Nachtrat entschieden. There are 13 Mitglieder soll dabei für een Bereich zständig signal. Darunter: Gastronomy, Clubs, Hotels, Music and Concerts, Sports and Youth. “Our city is full of life and attractiveness,” said Marc Kautz, Stellvertretender Geschäftsführer of the Hotel- and Gastronomieverbands Dehoga zu seinen Zielen in de night.

Frankfurt gastronome James Ardinast would like to leave the city to operate his machine. And hotel manager Rahwa Bumba states: “I would like to find a hotel guest in the city at 22 hours a day.” Nur damit bleibe Frankfurt attractive to international guests.

13 People in Frankfurter Nacht are prepared for the start of night culture in the Mainmetropole. (Photo: Lukas Fortkord/dpa)

A plan could not be better, it is a project and a campaign, as the Leader of the Geschäftsstelle des Nachtrats, Eduard Singer. The hamburgers and hamburgers can make sure that the sittings and the animations become the best themes.

For the year 2024, the Night Rat has received 68,000 Euro from the House of Representatives, teilte die Stadt mit. Laut Stadt Power der Tourismus in der Stadt worth 140 million euros in a year. 70,000 people work in the industry. Eigene Zahlen speziell zum Umsatz in der Nacht is nothing else.

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