
Managers Will Learn: Masterclass with Alan Gilbert | – Culture

Managers Will Learn: Masterclass with Alan Gilbert | – Culture

Status: 29.08.2024 11:26 am

Pianists play with a keyboard, violinists and violin. To conduct, you will have to perform with a man in an orchestra – and a Lehrer. Alan Gilbert, chef of the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchesters, gives a three-day Meisterkurs in Hamburg.

Das NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester with Saisoneröffnungskonzert with Alan Gilbert. © NDR, Marcus Krüger Photo: Marcus Krüger

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by Franziska Storch

Gilbert Brahms took a breather for the first research during the summer. Conductors in the Halbstunden-Takt, der Amerika- Amerikaner beobachtet genau en gibt permanent Anweisungen wie zum Beispiel: “Mein Gedanke bei dir ist, dass du zu Veele Schläge controls. Of course, man as Conductor das Tempo control, aber manchmal ist the best way to do that , the Orchestra flies zu lassen.”

A bit of humor comes with 57 years of age. A conductor’s stab that makes an uninteresting movement, says Gilbert: “Mal wie door Luft or Wasser. Aber manchmal is auch, if a man moves through Honig or Erdnussbutter, a great Menge an Erdnussbutter. Brahms liebte übrigens Erdnussbutter – kann ich mir zumindest frostbitten.”

Körpersprache is the Instrument of Conductors

In conducting the body language of the instrument, so Gilbert. But each person moves differently: one conducts weaker, the other stronger. Focus your attention on the placement of your art. Everything that has to do with the hand is one or more things that are wonderful: “You can take the trouble to stay as long as possible. I stop the time to stay. And if I set no limits, everyone relaxes immediately. You can do it in your short time. .”

More information

Alan Gilbert, chef of the NDR Elbphiharmonie Orchesters, in Porträt © NDR Photo: Marco Borggreve

The third tag of the Masterclass with Alan Gilbert is open to the public – a malicious opportunity, an example in the art of conducting his life. more

The most talented talents are Auge and Ohr. If you are no longer aware of the direction, learn this. “I have definitely learned, whoever indicates the beat a little faster, in order to get the tempo, that I can achieve. Even if I indicate details and musical ideas – also more, than just the beat to succeed”, says Polin Agata Zajac. She is active as assistant conductor at the Symphonieorchester in Barcelona. Conducting can be in the case that you see, with gratitude and with the corps.

Die Schwierigkeit, an Orchestra to start

Kurzes Anspielen, Unterbrechen, ein Hinweis, manchmal says Gilbert differschiedene Varianten. Erneutes Anspielen. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit versuchen die conductors and conductors all the Hinweise umzusetzen. One theme is becoming increasingly important: Schon der Auftakt sollte bereits Tempo en Klangfarbe angeben. That’s not that simple.

“If you take the lead, don’t go any further than that, even if you don’t have to worry about the sound. I’m in touch with you for the first time. Etwa four times a day. Now you have a clear view. So, it’s coming,” said Gilbert and fügt hinzu: “It’s bad, who wouldn’t be able to start Leute with an orchestra.”

Nor Restkarten für öffentlichen Meisterkurs

Was the work with the experienced conductors so under the power, said Gerald Karni, the conductor in Switzerland who studied the subject, in the Punkt: “Seine Hingabe. There might be a fuller energy and a fuller leadership. Orchestra, of course.

We can also try these new things, because of the opportunity that is available, and that is the public at the Meisterkurs zigelassen. From 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., the Möglichkeit, Alan Gilbert, the young conductors and conductors and the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester are to blame for the sheriff and the zuzuhoren. All offers are now no restkarten (eight euros) in the Tageskasse.

More information

Alan Gilbert, chef of the NDR Elbphiharmonie Orchesters, in Porträt © NDR Photo: Marco Borggreve

The experienced New Yorker Alan Gilbert is chef at the Spitze of the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchesters in 2019. more

Elbphilharmonie © Pressebilder Elbphilharmonie Photo: iwanbanen

The Elbphilharmonie is developing into Hamburg’s biggest visitor magnets. Here you will find information about the program and ticket sales so that you can find out everything that is happening. more

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NDR Culture | Der Vormittag | 29.08.2024 | 11:20 am

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