
Prince Leonor of Spain began training in the Navy

Prince Leonor of Spain began training in the Navy

A Thursday with Leonor is no longer a khaki-colored uniform tragedy. The Spanish Crown Princess in his new uniform and – all in white with a knotted jacket – sees the arrival of her training at the Navy. As a Guardiamarina works at the Marine Academy in Marín in Galicia and the Atlantic coast. A country that has had fun with the three of them for a year. If the Prince shows a Schnellkurs, then it is worth taking a look at the Teilstreitkräfte now in a year.

From January to July he came on the board of the Segelschulschiffs Juan Sebastián Elcano. When the Thronfolgerin tells this story, it is no secret. The Laufbahn is a state affair and regulated by its own royal decree.

Keine Ausnahmen for the Princess

I traveled the own Minister of Representation Margarita Robles after Marin, I know that everything happened for the Prince, for the small Ausnahmen guild. If you do a recruitment, you go to the Heeresausbildung through the Schlamm. If the navy is busy with water, there are a few bathing rubbers and a few unused parts. Leonor said that he had a room with his other comrades. At 6.45 o’clock the wake-up signal appears, at 22.30 o’clock the light goes out.

Eltern did not have time to start his military service for a year at the Heeresakademie in Zaragoza. Mother Letizia is at the Paralympic Games in Paris, Father Felipe is officially in Barcelona. Bisher follows the Lehrjahre der Kronprinzessin exactly the front picture of their Fathers and Grandfathers. Both learn in Marín das Marinehandwerk and are very passionate about Segler.

Danach is back in the Luftwaffe. Was my military service, which was voluntary in Spain for a long time, is not clear. Felipe studied in Madrid and in the Vereinigten Staaten Jura and Politikwissenschaften. Leonor has an interest in the natural sciences.