
Wenig Zeit für Alternative an der Reiter Alm

Wenig Zeit für Alternative an der Reiter Alm

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Wenig Zeit für Alternative an der Reiter Alm
Paul Haslauer, Eigentümer der Reiter Alm © mf

After the planted psychosomatic Reha-Klinik and the sheltered company of the Firma Brüderl had left the Frage by the Kauflatency of the Ownership Paul Haslauer, they were now taken out of the Reiter Alm. It is clear to me: “The time is clear for the future, the writing and the Einquartierung von Flüchtlingen.” Im conversation is a difficult alternative for – but is it possible?

Ainring – I think of Paul Haslauer, Unternehmer und Property of Reiter Alm, gegenüber, that the low activity changes. Grund dafür seien three Factors:

  • The Brüderl company has planned to start the Baumaßnahmen from January 2024. The lease agreement was due on December 31, 2023. „Seit dieser Zeit stehen die Gebäude leer. Keinerlei Bewegung en no entries for the lessor,” says Haslauer.
  • For the Ground Pieces and the Buildings this is one of the things erheblicher Erhaltungsaufwand.
  • The Parkplatz der leer stehenden Reiter Alm würden nun Jugendliche Regelmäßig zum Vorglühen utilities. Haslauer spoke here of a person “bedrohlichen Sicherheitsslag”.

If the owner of this party is an object, it is not like it is being sold itself, but it might be better. “I can’t use a machine, but I can use it for 100 years longer. The charge is so high and so heavy, if it can last 81 years with my may.”

Reiter Alm in Ainring
Die Reiter Alm steht seit Beginn des Jahres leer. © mf

Haslauers Wunsch: Gastwirtschaft und Hotel plus Gesundheitsanwendungen

When the conversation goes Haslauer out, he was asked to do the Reiter Alm. For 50 years the Reiter Alm has been expanded as a specialist for physical therapy and balneology. It is worth using this company as a school hotel, the object has been chewed for 25 years. A psychosomatic ‘clinic’ does not suffer from this, but it is not so bad. The guests were probably Burnout-Vorstufen.“ A diesem punkt will be one of the many problems that come with a healthy treatment. When the Beispiele is performed by the Jambula-Rinde on the high road, the material layer is important, or even just with fire.

If Bootholen is primarily the external Kurland, it is answered in Hammerau and the nachfolgefirma is a private company. Kurland no longer needs therapy and debt treatment. “The wellness area is still not such that you can just walk down the aisle and set up a fortress.” An investment project for the sole Wirkstoff-Behandlungen-schließt is in this Zusammenhang nicht aus. The Gastwirtschaft is connected to Haslauers Vorstellungen and another Pächter gehen.

More Pächter: Is this possible?

The Abteilungen Hotel and Restaurant, Veranstaltungen and the Wellness-Anlage on three Pächter aufzuteilenhow Haslauer in one of the Schreiben and the Ainringer donated, the personal vertielte hat is, preceded. “I bought 400 Leute in Ainring and I have never been so good, but not all Zeitung and my internet lessons. Ich mache das nicht polemisch, nobody would be guilty”, explains there.

Is it a matter of different problems at all possible? The information about the construction work of the community is based on the construction aspects of the topic: “Demnach can after the time of the time and the rights a part of the file involvement with the Schwerpunkt Gastronomy and Beherbergung in more self-confident betrie be used, which were never genehmigtWe would like to see more information about future developments in the area of ​​agglomeration. There is a very good Bewertung, so the Landratsamt, when the Gemeinde this old Standortentwicklung over the Bauleitplanung to versuchten, heißt es aus dem Rathaus. At the Reiter Alm it is one of the few bunds in the Sinne des Landesentwicklungsprogramms (LEP) Bayern. „Daher is een Flächenausweisung nur jijässig, als een Ausnahmeregulation nach dem LEP-entspricht is (in Frage käme hier wohl nur die sogenannte Registration of approval requests).”

The Commonwealth has a fruitful opportunity, the question whether the planned Rehabilitation Clinic falls under the LEP’s approval regulation, is central to the project’s success. It is not that the Community or the official representation in personal conversations and written publications and the Government of Upper Bavaria is one of the most important tasks. The written position of the Government of Upper Bavaria is positive. It says: “The planned benefit inherits the criteria of a shelter service. In the context of the investigation of the interests of nature and landscape Steht eine Bauleitplanung zum Vorhaben ‘Reha-Klinik Reiter Alm’ is planted Standort and im dargelegten Umfang the Erfordernissen of the Raumordnung not entgegen.’

Can the Municipality of the Estates purchase it?

If Paul Haslau changes the object, it is no longer possible to not do it in one go. I think it is so, if the Gemeinde were to buy the Reiter Alm, it says so. “For a country of our own, which has a fraction of the boats, the Reiter Alm is to buy and to pack. The war is no longer a war in the tribe, but a written war, like the war with Brüderl in Laufen.”

Before a Tagen fights with Bürgermeister von Ainring, Martin Öttl, born. “Auch das Baudezernat, die Opposition und das Landratsamt were present,” said Haslauer. Rosemarie Bernauer, then American mayor, is concerned about the involvement of the land rats and the “opposition”. “One of the Gespräch has received Mr Haslauer, his deputy judge Herr Starke, Mr Bürgermeister Martin Öttl, the Zweite Bürgermeisterin Rosemarie Bernauer, the Dritte Bürgermeister Martin Strobl and the Bauverwaltung. In these conversations we were more than happy to discuss the different aspects.” When the festival is celebrated, all the assets can be sold, other interesting things have been found, much of the interest has disappeared. “These bemühungen were weitergeführt.”

Bernauer further notes here: “Uber a purchase of the Reiter Alm by the Gemeinde must be decided by the Gemeinderat. The view of the environment is the same as the environmental rights of the environment, which is practically possible. The community must have parental responsibility for their children’s play activities, children’s schools. An object that is worth working by hand is unrealistic, above all, if then – who here – the best solution is that the light can no longer be financed.’ at the Rechtsanwalt Starke in March 2023, Haslauer grundsätzlich became one of the Gemeinde Verkaufen Würde. Dies sei seinerzeit verneint be.

The Unterbringung von Flüchtlingen will take time

The low debt burden of Paul Haslauer for the court, as the Landratsamt and the Government of Upper Bavaria are used to, is a Zeitweilige Nutzung der Räume für Flüchtlinge vorzunehmen. If there is a landratsamt, which is one of the most successful companies, then the Reiter Alm was built from the Größe, as Gemeinschaftsunterkunft eignen würde. “The nature of the care provided by the government of Upper Bavaria is more important.”

These types of things are: “We are more concerned about the nature of the relationship between the Government of Upper Bavaria and the relationship between the fundamental aspects of the environment and the impact on all aspects of the underlying aspects of the lie. These last hereditary orders are the Kurzem under the Direction of the Upper Bavarian Eingangs and were prüft at the same time.’ The Akquiseverfahren believe that they are not active in any of the following stadiums. “Eine Aussage, or at all, in welchem ​​​​Umfang and ab when the Object could be enjoyed as Unterkunft für Geflüchtete was kann, ist first after Abschluss dieser Prüfung possible.”

Paul Haslauer describes in one of the Vorschau’s, which was held in August with the 120 to 150 Flüchtlingen: “For the inherited transfers, for Arztbesuche and Amtswege who repeat the private Besorgungen kannn der Shuttle-Bus. The rest of the people stay at the Reiter Alm and empfangen who order via the Internet Nahrungsmittel.“ Followed by signaler Mahnung: “The Vorgänge von Solingen has never been in Erinnerung.”

Der Grundeigentümer and the Regierung von Oberbayern are separated from the Unterbringung

Dass Haslauer Flüchtlinge als Druckmittel benutzt und Angst schürt, streitet is nicht ab: ‘So man can sehen. Aber: Were financed by Haslauer? Would the 6000 or 8000 euros be for the Erhaltung? For me, that is the last choice with the refugees. When I am having a hard time, I can’t just weld.”

The Frage, ob de Gemeinde de Möglichkeit hat, eine Flüchtlingsunterbringung in de Reiter Alm zu vereiteln, sei bereits jurisprüft be prüft, teilt das Rathaus mit. The result: “The community has the right to maintain it, die if prevented. It is in Bavaria that no research has been done on the autumn, in one or other refugee camp for example, a change barrier can be prevented at some point.” Letztlich, this Frage der Grundeigentümer and the Regierung were separated, not the Gemeinde.

If the Prevention is a refugee’s request, then everyone is equal, so Haslauer’s Appeal and the Citizen. The second mayor Bernauer states: “It is self-intelligible that we enter into dialogue with all dialogues, a prudent loss for the Reiter Alm that we find. However, a large part of the time should have: The Community of the Rehabilitation Clinic is a prudent and legitimate financing of the financing. The Gründe, where this Möglichkeit is separate, does not lie to both the communities!” (pl)