
From 2027 we will be operating the “Magdas” Hotel der Caritas in the Wiener Prater

From 2027 we will be operating the “Magdas” Hotel der Caritas in the Wiener Prater

Wien, 29.08.2024 (KAP) Das Caritas-Hotel “magdas” is looking at a first location in the Wiener Prater in Zurück. Neben dem vor öffneten “magdas” -Sozialhotel in der Ungargasse in Wien-Landstraße from 2027 onwards from 2015 to 2022 as “magdas” -Popup-Hotel betriebene Haus in der Laufbergergasse 12 im Prater wieder Guests empfangen. Caritas-Vertreter presents the Donnerstag during the summer of 2025, plant the Grundsanierung des Gebäudes, which deals with the ökological Nachhaltigkeit and the wiedernutzung besthenden Materialien with Altmöbel setzt. The basic idea of ​​the “magdas” -Hotels ist, Menschen with Fluchterfahrungen in Hotellerie- und Gastronomiebeufen auszubilden and so that there is a chance, at the Labor market they are future. Gemeinsam with industry profiles take care of the guest.

“Magdas Hotel” has an innovative, social hotel function and über-integration and offers opportunities to work with integration fragments and job placement, explained Gabriela Sonnleitner, Managing Director of “magdas Social Business”, and the Wiener Caritas Director Klaus Schwertner. The “Hotel with social services” doubles the social economy and above all “the chance for people, which is often not so easy for people on the labor market”, according to Schwertner.

Bis zu 42 zuätzliche Ausbildungs- und Arbeitsplätze sollen am “magdas”-Standort im Prater were created. “Wir said, that’s possible, that’s economical, business and economics,” said Schwertner. In Österreich, where the theme of Asylum and Migration started the negative discussion, the “Magdas Hotel” became a Leuchtturm project and for the social economy, the flight of the Wiener Caritasdirektor said: “Wir bieten Menschen die Möglichkeit, sich mit ihren Talents and strengths are no longer a family business, but part of the social benefits and management of a gesellschaftliche enterprise that this is, were so little woolen.’

103 rooms with 225 beds the new “magdas” hotel has. Installation and seminar rooms are being added, and in the Erdgeschoss want one of the few hotel guests to insult the local restaurants. Who is a “magdas” hotel in the Ungargasse project for the new city and seminar hotel directly in the Grünen Prater in the social-business business community with a number of ecologic sustainability concepts.

“There is no social author, for all people with small jobs in the labor market who are integrated, it is nightly in construction and in the operation in the center of our business,” said Managing Director Sonnleitner. The new “green hotel in the green landscape” is intended to reduce a small amount of CO2 emissions. “It is modern and young, but with other things and materials that are used creatively, the wool is used as long as possible.” The modern design designs were designed with upcycled and natural materials such as wood.

While the construction of the houses from the 1970s is continued in large parts, a large number of materials are produced, developed by Generalplaner and architect Christian Heiss. In the garden of the brewery, the Straße is geöffnet, the last time that Bäume is used, there is talk of. Zur Heizung and Kühlung have Grundwasser genutzt and Strom could provide for its own photovoltaic system. Round 20 million. Euro would invest the Caritas in projects.

Der Erfolg der “magdas Hotels” offers an overview of the international years for sailing. Insgesamt had been in operation since 2015 and 250,000 guests were received. After the first follow-up, the consultation in the conversation resulted in positive feedback from many people, friends and family. “This said, that was it, which was a sin and brought more value into the community.”

(O-Töne von Klaus Schwertner and Gabriela Sonnleitner in Kürze kunstügbar under

(Website “magdas Hotel”: