
Merck Action is about: Phase III studies with Cladribin started

Merck Action is about: Phase III studies with Cladribin started

The pharmaceutical industry has initiated a global Phase III study of Wirkstoff’s treatment for the common autoimmune disease Myasthenia gravis (gMG).

The seltene, chronic neuromuscular autoimmune disease gMG is with muskelschwäche of Augen, Atemwegen and Gliedmaßen one of the things I can do. The first patient has undergone the first treatment in research MyClad.

Cladribine is a drug selectively selected on B- and T-lymphocytes. These products are considered as exit points for gMG, because they are auto-antique producers, the Entzündungsgeschehen and the Verbindungsstellen of Nerven and Muskeln verursachen. The mechanism of action of the drugs can promote the progressive development and the final therapeutic treatment.

Der DAX-Konzern a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>Merck has the global rights to the diseases Cladribin for the indication gMG and neuromyelitis -optica-Spektrumerkrankungen (NMOSD) 2021 in Zuge seiner Übernahme des Schweizer Biotechunternehmens Chord Therapeutics erhalten.

The Merck promotion increases via XETRA by 0.66 percent to 174.75 euros.


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