
Betrugsmaschen im Türkei-Urlaub entsetzen Touristin – selbst Auswärtigen Amt warnt

Betrugsmaschen im Türkei-Urlaub entsetzen Touristin – selbst Auswärtigen Amt warnt

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A tourist is in the Turkish world and can enjoy his journey. Travel expert Moritz Lindner analyses his research.

The joy of a provocative journey is often expressed in pictures of idyllic sandy beaches or maleric gases, which in summer temperatures settle down to fade. The reality can be different, at the time when the crowds of people are gathered and lodge a mysterious protest.

A Dutch Urlauber-War is so born out of the Turkish-Urlaub-War, that it has a far-reaching English edit in its published rendition on Reddit. If you hate the Gefühl, you would call ‘the country of a country a Betrugsmasche’. Moritz Lindner, a travel expert, analyzes his research for IPPEN.MEDIA.

Die Urlauberin fühlte sich “so betrogen” in der Türkei

Die Frau began in the Reisebericht zunächst positiv. If you have a scary connection for Turkey, your Großmutter was born and grew up, and he himself has made a real Zuneigung in the country. But if you let us travel further, you will always be “so confident”. This message says: “The airport taxi with festival prize will be a part of the three festival prizes after Istanbul. If I refuse, then the price of my money, that’s the guilt and the pain, the police will fuck off. It is different, the different Tür zu öffnen and the reinbarten Preis auf dem Sitz liezulassen.“ A Menorca Tourist wüteteteteteteten über die Rechnung.

The Foreign Office warns against Taxi Betrug in Istanbul

This problem is one of the most likely problems. On the website a rate for German tourists is shown, in the Turkish trip: “Grundsätzlich bestimmt bei Taxifahrten das Taxameter den Preis. Bei long hours ist Handeln durchhaus üblich. The packaging may be a bit longing. Especially in Istanbul, you can travel quickly and easily during your city journey. The hotels can choose specific information for their price in Zweifel.” And further: “Bestehen Sie ggf. auf Einschaltung des Taxameters.”

Das Auswärtige Amt warnt voor Taxi-Betrug in Istanbul urlaub türkei
Das Auswärtige Amt warnt for Taxi-Betrug in Istanbul © Westend61/Imago

Diebstahl and “Vierfache des Preises”: Die Urlauberin has appeared on Reddit

The end of Urlauberin on Reddit is not so long ago. If you receive a message, it is about “Menu with tourist prices”. When shopping, as an example of honey, “the fourfold price is calculated”. Therefore, it would be the case that “the police take the blame, if they no longer want to work, and also get the blame for the charges at the credit card company.” If you buy a slider, you get 20 euros from your loan and money back.

Das Auswärtige Amt warnt in diesem Zusammenhang under dem Punkt „Kriminalität“: „Who also has major interests in Istanbul is concerned about their needs. It could be that the risk of child abuse increases.” Or, who in that autumn, a Schuhputzer.

The holidaymaker says he visited his hotel and the airport in Turkey

In more detail, the painting is judged on the price of the hotel and the flight in Istanbul. “If our hotel lasts long, half of the room prices will appear in the bar, and once a check at the Druck set up, in Stehen online a ‘Fünf-Sterne’-Bewertung zu schreiben. There are double messages available, if the WLAN no longer works and the automatic play”, reports this.

About the Istanbul Airport said: “If the Ausländer is a Sparschwein, stop. 22 euros for a damn burger at Burger King, made in-house at a high airport price, is expensive. It is not the case that Orte, a man who blows up water bottles, is also a man who dehydrates his Euro for a bottle that will otherwise be dehydrated!”

Travel expert Moritz Lindner has an opinion: “Leader nicht unüblich”

Travel expert Moritz Lindner von Traveletopia is trusted with such stories. It is said: “Leader is in many cases in the Western European states one of the most unusual, that the tourists have to pay a price for various services, if no fixed price is established.”

It is being worked on: “In the states of Turkey, it is therefore a shame to inform yourself about relevant services in advance about the highest prices and also in advance about serious providers to book. In general, it is the case that in many states the taxis use apps with Uber, Grab or Bolt, a high price for transfers when booking. It can be a problem to make a booking of hotels, a problem that occurs when solving problems. You can get my best experiences here, but the hotel reviews are free and the best services are rewarded, which will not happen. “

Isn’t everything bad? Die Urlauberin weiß: “Those meisten Menschen gut”

Holidaymaker sees one of his negatives in the end: “I have lived in the states of the southern hemisphere and have not had any wars, so I am obliged to leave a place behind,” he said. However, he finds his own words, but many holidaymakers make very positive experiences. “I understand that these deceivers are only a small part of the Turkish population and that most people are good,” he summarizes. The leader comes, under the impression that tourists are a bit more, and again of the high prices and hotspots. So you get a price of 117.50 euros for a beach holiday.