
Von Flagstaff, Arizona in Bad Neustadt – Monika Roehl lives in an exciting life

Von Flagstaff, Arizona in Bad Neustadt – Monika Roehl lives in an exciting life

Monika Roehl (Jahrgang 1956) lived in Flagstaff, Arizona and in Zugspitzdorf Grainau. You will be happy with your stay in Bad Neustadt and with your own writing.

Frage: Who’s in Flagstaff, Arizona?

Monika Roehl: Very cool. Flagstaff is located at over 2,000 meters. On the San Francisco Peaks nearby you can go to Skifahren. The big attraction is above the Grand Canyon, American history is one of the most common. I have had war in the Hiking Club of the University and it is so that Tours go from the Grand Canyon to Mount Whitney in the Sierra Nevada. Magnificent!

Was the hat in this Ecke America destroyed?

Roehl: I studied English and Spanish with sports and biology as secondary subjects at Northern Arizona University. I spent a summer in the Grand Canyon as a tour guide for Scenic Airlines. I also led a riding school excursion with foreigners and other tourists to the edge of the Grand Canyon.

Who came Sie and Ihre Eltern in Bad Neustadt?

Roehl: Around. As four years in the war, I lost my life, from Bad Kreuznach in Michigan in the United States. You can leave the school of the kindergarten if you follow the high school. Ich wuchs zweisprachig auf, da zu Hause nur Deutschprochen was prochen. In high school I would like to study in Arizona. But then the around-take to Germany dazwischen.

Where did this go?

Roehl: The Rhön-Klinikum has had a new Chief Doctor treatment. My father commented on this Stelle, and so it became in Bad Neustadt.

How was that?

Roehl: Great! My Schwester and I would be taken in from the beginning very well. While in the US the Nazis or Krauts were mocked, here with our long hair, Blue Jeans and fast runners with exotics. In Dearborn it is so that we are freer, our alternative ways of the Drugs and the Kriminalität a our Sicherheit bezorgt were. Here we can prepare ourselves for the first time that the morning sun of Feiern with the Rad nach Hause is gefahren. If the Neustädter Gymnasium is practiced and both have a good goal, it will not be possible to ask a German school. It were two great years. Many friends are no longer able to stay in Bad Neustadt, but also without spirit and treasure.

What happens next?

Roehl: It is not that Flagstaff has been sucked into Studium. One of the Northern Arizona University has completed a four-year study with an MA as Lehrerin. Leader is one of the debts of the debtor who wants to earn money and thus put an end to the Deutschland-zure. A Stellenangebot in Spain did not collapse and in Bavaria wurtel me in Lehrerabschluss from the USA never anerkannt. This war is the Zeit der Lehrerschwemme. As an alternative bot there is another Sprachenstudium. So I have one of the Zweigstelle der Universität Mainz in Germersheim two years Simultandolmetschen and zwei Jahre Übersetzen with a Übersetzer-Diplom-Abschluss-studie followed.

And how was that?

Roehl: That was crazy! It came out quickly. Frauen dort studyrt, de Gegend ist Brettl eben. Zum Glück was able to spend a week and a holiday for a holiday in Würzburg as well as ski lessons with Americans in the Alps and thus enjoy free skiing in top ski areas in Chamonix, Verbier and Val Thorens.

Dann kam der Sprung in Berufsleben?

Roehl: Yes, I hate a Stelle in Ulm, danach at a Sprachendienst in Munich. I must admit that it is a war or a war, if the domination or the dolmetscher is a festive find. So I’m happy, I have a free night’s sleep, in Munich, in Fürstenfeldbruck. Die Tätigkeiten were veefältig, reichten vom Simultandolmetschern am Europäischen Patentamt, Dolmetschen für die Polizei und bei Eheschließungen, Business English Unterricht an der Fachhochschule Augsburg bis zu Englischunterricht für Kinder bis zur Vierten Klasse. In the Freizeit War, the Alpenverein, Kayak-Club or Freunden fell in the mountains of Bergen, at Klettern, Wandern, Skitourengehen, MTB- and Kayakfahren or with the Rennrad. Später kam der Entschluss, nach Murnau am Staffelsee you will see, you will see next to the Alps. Here is the Chance itself, at the Marshall Center for Security Studies in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, English and German, to help. So I’m in the Grainau am Fuße der Zugspitze sucked.

Who were they invited to in Grainau?

Roehl: Certainly, and with the Mitarbeitern of the Marshall Center there are many Feiern and Unternehmungen. The war is a natural toll, and the war is by default in nature on its way! I will be happy to visit the steep mountains of other people who isolate Munich and be separated from it. The stories during the army war had disappeared and more friends had been sucked away. So you can see the Entschluss, a journey between Garmisch and Munich. Daraus is located on the Umzug nach Penzberg.

Would you like to have further information?

Roehl: Zum Teil. I have English, Spanish and Französisch-Stammtische in Benediktbeuern regularly inspected and are very familiar with it. With the Allgemeinen Deutschen Fahrradclub in Wolfratshausen, the war in the Voralpenland fell further away, war was often seen.


Roehl: Trotz der traumhaften Landschaft, habe ich me in Penzberg after immerhin 9 Jahren nicht heimisch gefühlt.

Would you like to enjoy the Entschluss after Bad Neustadt?

Roehl: The small and lower costs for my home have ended up in the higher costs. Günstigere Alternative is no problem. A night could not sleep more and is the mirror of gratitude, where would you not go to Bad Neustadt?

What makes that so simple?

Roehl: No, not at all. At first it was that the number of people who were searched and noticed, the price was no longer so nice. Go organize more years in the class meeting in the Abitur class. Our email list and WhatsApp group are fragmented and offer a tip for a nice home. Once it is so far, it is a good idea to visit a free home. In this Wohnung I am then in April eingezogen.

How are you doing now?

Roehl: I’m happy with everything! The quality of life here is fantastic, the Leute are friendly here, other contacts can be made as quickly as possible. The landscape may not be so spectacular in Garmisch or Flagstaff, but it is still unique and beautiful. And letztlich brauche with my own houses, the idyllic Saaletal and the beautiful Wanderungen, Radtouren and gemütlichen Hütten in the Rhön.

What is America about America?

Roehl: Because it is not the case that the Freunde inzwischt goes over all 50 federal state institutions. In Michigan and Arizona that was true…