
That will be released in Laatzen in September 2024

That will be released in Laatzen in September 2024

Let’s go. Friday August 30, 7pm: Popjazz, Soul and Funk play Emil Wahlgren & Berlin 21 Street workers during the open-air concert in the Park der Sinne. Our war was a war with Tamir Cohen as singer, the statistics were now Wahlgren with the Berliner Band. The Veranstaltung takes place in the Zuge des Kultursommers of the Region Hannover statt. The entry costs 25 Euro, ermäßigt 21 Euro.

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Saturday August 31, 12 noon: Von Grasdorf nach Alt- Laatzen führt das Leineschwimmen. Treffpunkt ist am Bootsanleger next to the Leinebrücke an der Ohestraße, the Ausstieg ergolgt am Bootsclub in Alt- Laatzen. Registration from 11 a.m. directly for the starting fee costs 15 Euro.

Sunday, September 1, 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.: The Boat Club shows the 100-year best times in Vereinsheims, the first pure river bathing establishment, and the Talstraße in der Leinemasch. With a device for shifting boat types, speisen and getränken.

Sunday, September 1, 11 a.m.: „Im Dialog – Grafik und Malerei“ is the exhibition of Anna Nossek-Terhorst and Eva Hennecke at Kunstkreis Laatzen, Hildesheimer Straße 368. Since the opening of both arts and crafts has been completed, Hennecke will meet on Sunday, September 15, from 11 to 13 Hours for artistic expression. The Ausstellung goes from October 1 to service days and gloves from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., so from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. geöffnet.

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Service day, September 3, 7 p.m.: “Wohin steuert die Landwirtschaft? Aktuelles aus Berlin“ – thus the title of a Vortragsveranstaltung of the FDP Laatzen in the Grundschule Gleidingen, Oesselser Straße 12. The guest is Gero Hocker, landwirtschaftspolitical speaker of the FDP-Bundestagsfraktion. You can submit a form via email and [email protected] will be bitten.

Mittwoch, September 4, 7 PM: In the Reihe „Auf ein Wort mit …“, Laatzen’s ehemaliger Bürgermeister Jürgen Köhne speaks in Victors Residenz, Mergenthalerstraße 3. For the music Rahmen sorts Rada Petrovic am Akkordeon. The end ride is free.

Donnerstag, September 5, 3 to 6 PM: The children’s and youth centre in Pestalozzistraße is after a long period of use – and let the tag of violations be a fact. The boats were children’s make-up, creative reception boats, a Hüpfburg, a short film – and a look into the rooms. The entry is free.

Freitag, September 6, 3:30 PM: Under the motto „Letzen radelt“ bietet Bürgermeister Kai Eggert (parteilos) regularly Radtouren an. Diesmal führt de zölf Kilometer-long route after Sarstedt, wed Bürgermeisterin Heike Brennecke (SPD) de Gruppe am Fahrrad-Rastplatz an der Innerste in Empfang nimmt. Treffpunkt ist der Marktplatz in Laatzen-Mitte, Endpunkt das Wiesendachhaus mit Imbiss.

Burger market in Rethen

Samstag, September 7, 11:30 AM to 4:30 PM: At Rethen Bürgerflohmarkt the Gelände and the streets around the St.-Petri-Kirche to the Schnäppchenmeile were opened. Register for the status on September 5 by e-mail at [email protected] entgegen. The stand costs 5 Euro, children can expand a few years costs in their deck.

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Guest play in Gleidingen: Volkwin Müller will play with guitar and fußschlagzeug in the St.-Gertruden-Kirche on September 22.

Guest play in Gleidingen: Volkwin Müller will play with guitar and fußschlagzeug in the St.-Gertruden-Kirche on September 22.

Sunday, September 8, 6 p.m.: The Incredible Sunnyboys play in Rethen: Zum Abschluss der Veranstaltungsreihe „Lebensart im Park“ tragen die four Rockmusiker akustische Versionen ihrer best Songs vor. The financing has been released by the SPD organizers with expenditure.

Sonntag, September 8, 4:30 PM: With Hugo von Hofmannsthal he read the lesson “Tor und Tod – a lyrical drama for more speeches” from the Calenberger Autorenkreises. Jörg Hartung ergänzt Lebensdaten des Poets. The Eintritt für die Veranstaltung beim Kunstkreis Laatzen, Hildesheimer Straße 368, is free.

Donnerstag, September 12, 3 to 5 p.m.: Sven Achtermann holds a Multi-Media Vortrag über Grönland at DRK-Treff, Wiesenstraße 22a. The Veranstaltung is offensive to all interests.

Sunday, September 15, 4 p.m.: At the Kinderbuch-Autorenlesung des Lions Club Hannover-Leinetal, the Hannoversche Autorin Stephanie Schneider is a guest in the Grasdorfer St.-Marien-Kirche. Soul group since children were four years old. Spend money on the mentor class if you want. With Signierstunde and Kinderbuch-Flohmarkt.

Freitag, September 20, 7:30 PM: The authoritarian Leonie W. van Peiner is most with Isabelle North in her new book “Shadow’s Heart” in the bookhandling Thalia in Leine-Center vor. The entry costs 10 Euro.

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Latino song in Park der Sinne

Samstag, September 21, 4 to 6 p.m.: This is the live concert in the café in the park of the sun in that year: The Band Muchomas plays Spanish and late American music for the duration. The entrance is free.

Willkommen in Grasdorf: Am 21. September festert der Laatzener Ortsteil sein Brunnenfest.

Willkommen in Grasdorf: Am 21. September festert der Laatzener Ortsteil sein Brunnenfest.

Samstag, September 21, 2:45 PM to 11 PM: Grasdorf celebrates its Brunnenfest – with a program by Associations and Initiatives on the Kirchstraße on the Sportplatz Ohestraße. After the performance at 14:45 in the Brunnen, a live performance with oriental Tanz, Art of Dance and the brass band starts, a DJ at work. In the Kirchstraße there is a culinary standard on the Sportplatz Offers for children – from Magic to Circus.

Sunday, September 22, 5 to 7 PM: Bruce Springsteen plays in the middle point of the Konzertlesung at Gertrudes Kulturladen. The song maker Volkwin Müller has used music with the biography and plays on the acoustic guitar songs of “Boss” in Gemeindesaal, Hildesheimer Straße 560.

Freitag, September 27, 7:30 PM: The music school lets the hobby musicians and musicians of the monthly jam session in the vault of the VfL Grasdorf, Peterskamp 28. Instruments that are located, but also own provided were. Admission from 19 o’clock.

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Samstag, September 28, 3 p.m.: Under the title “Arche Noah” the Immanuel-Kirchengemeinde was founded at the Orgelentdeckertagen an Organ Concert for Children and Adults. It concerns Kreiskantorin Magdalena Andrulewicz and Pastor Hagen Günther.

Samstag, September 28, 4 PM (open ended): Munich experiences the Oktoberfest, the Café in the Park der Sinne, the “Wiesenparty”. DJ Günni from Rethen provides Für Musik.