
Club Power Wieder auf – Biergarten im Schussenpark planted

Club Power Wieder auf – Biergarten im Schussenpark planted

The other Obstkühlhaus behind the Ravensburger Bahnhof is a new gastro- and cultural centre. Tenant Ulf Braig only manages the Gleis 9, the Speicher 9 and the “Friedas Kneipenbar”. Now it is one of the traditions of the Club “Hugo’s” under new names. A direct connection to the new Schussenpark is still no beer garden.

If we flee the war in Ravensburger Clubs, there are no more discos, nor are the “Hugo’s” and “Gonzales”. Both behind the Ravensburger Bahnhof are a line of the gastro- and music association with the “Kantine” and the “Douala”.

“Hugo’s” heißt jetzt “Motke”

The “Hugo” will go in a few years, when Ulf Braig overtakes Laden as a tenant. After a brand that has delivered a technical defect in the electronics, the club must disappear in 2018. Now it is back under the new names “Motke”.

Either way, the last “Hugo” fell in the Escher-Wyss-Straße behind the Ravensburger Bahnhof. A restaurant opens in the Gebäude, Gleis 9 genannt, then kam der Speicher 9 as Veranstaltungslocation hizu and “Friedas Kneipenbar”. The new club starts on September 6.

Not just music and parties

Ulf Braig is the only one who knows all the Räumlichkeiten. Gemeinsam with the Vermieter has earned a million euros in the renovation of the one-time ‘Hugo’ investment. Here it is a natural music music and a party, from the age of 40 it is not so long ago.

An attractive culture will arise in Ravensburg. Daher was sich im Speicher 9 not only anniversary, company and high season parties, under a place for lessons, theater or comedy. 120 people can sit here a veranstaltungsbeiwohnen, in Stehen pass 350 rein.

Before the house was equipped by Ulf Braig with Street-Food-Wagen, proposals or flowers. Aberganz so weit ist noch nicht. It is the first time that the new club “Motke” starts.

Biergarten am Schussenpark planted

A theme from the start: If the new Schussenpark gives a hint to the Ravensburger Bahnhof coming, planned for 2025, the yellower Betriebswirt direkt de Gleis 9 will set up a Biergarten with its 200 seats. A visit to the local market will not pay much attention to children’s play areas on a cozy square for coffee, snacks or ice. “A beautiful oasis in the city”, as Ulf Braig said.

The other obstkühlhaus could get a new name. “Kühlhaus-Kulturquartier Ravensburg”. That’s the plan.

I started the party

The use of other equipment in the Ravensburger Bahnhof is an indication for cleaning the sanitary facilities.

The use of other equipment in the Ravensburger Bahnhof is an indication for cleaning the sanitary facilities. (Photo: Bernd Adler)

My electronic music starts the first “Hugo’s” between 30 and 31 August on the Parkplatz at the cemetery. With DJs available between 17 and 22 o’clock. The entry is possible for people in 16 years, but not more than a year ago. Alone on Friday costs quickly 35 Euro Entry. On Saturday the motto for the same time is “Summer Love” with Techno bis Melodic House. The one-time “Hugo’s” appeared on September 6 at 22 o’clock on the new name “Motke”.