
Kreuzfahrtschiff: Start of the world trip on Monaten verzögert

Kreuzfahrtschiff: Start of the world trip on Monaten verzögert


Belfast is the WorldKreuzfahrtschiff defect: Passenger seats since 3 Monaten fest

The Kreuzfahrtschiff Odyssey starts in some cases, but technical problems stop the Schiff in the harbor. The Passagiere is the best in the best situation.

Karin Leuthold
  • A Kreuzfahrtschiff, when I took one of the first steps in the world, still cannot leave the harbor.

  • Technical problems and difficulties in using devices that interfered with travel were very frustrating for the Passenger.

  • The Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft offers the travel extension in the form of short-trips and more Kreuzfahrten, which makes the start of your journey worthwhile.

So how Lanette Canen and her husband Mann John Bodin never saw their Weltreise: The couple flew from the war between the US and the state of Arizona in May to Belfast in Northern Ireland, a von dort on a thirty-three credit to start – but it is the end of August and another hour Schiff has never seen a harbor crossing.

The cross-country boat Odyssey from Villa Vie Residences is located on 30. May the cross-country route must be broken down. In total, passengers must visit 147 countries and 425 destinations. Roads over roads at Umbau in Belfast and technical problems at the ground and the problem are no longer clear. The journey is a lot bigger – it is one of the few things that happened in the cabins and the Odyssey board of 760,000 Francs.

Lanette Canen and his husband John Bodin celebrated with family and friends in their hometown of Arizona.

Lanette Canen and his husband John Bodin celebrated with family and friends in their hometown of Arizona.


An “unerwartetes Zuhause” in Belfast

Also Holly Hennessy from Florida had planned to live in the Abfahrtshafen, the Schiff- finally possible. They are now together with Tomcat Captain Belfast with their “unknown Zuhause”-force, which is itself broadcast by the BBC.

If you are on the Schiff and in the Schwimmbad, then the restaurant or the theater is so, but it is definitely worth the detour. Then you take a shuttle bus to a great residence, in front of the Unternehmen Villa Vie Residences. Holly humorously takes the situation: “I have not experienced my rain showers so often in my life, and I have my raincoat over everything.”

Travel through Europe

Lanette Canen and Johan Bodin make use of the Best of the carefree Aufenthalt in Belfast: The Couple makes a short trip through Europe. In the last place both can die of the Canary Islands, Slovenia, Croatia and Italy, which are later found in Sweden.

Mikael Petterson, CEO of Kreuzfahrtgesellschaft, shared with “Business Insider” that everything possible has been done, one of the stress of the passenger on the lindern. Villa Vie Residences is a trip through Europe or other longer trips.

Angela and Stephen Theriac, who flew in Nicaragua after Northern Ireland, started a world tour, lived in England and Great Britain. “That is the end of everything we have to live with,” said Theriac with a schulterzuckend.

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