
Jungfraubahn-Aktie: Jungfraubahn ernennt Nachfolger für divorced CEO | 29.08.24

Jungfraubahn-Aktie: Jungfraubahn ernennt Nachfolger für divorced CEO | 29.08.24


67.81 CHF 0.26%


Design CEO Oliver Hammel has taken big steps and created a new job that will set a new record.

The 41-year-old Basler during Kessler in June 2025, with the Jungfraubahn in the Donnerstagabend Mitteilte. The long-term of the company boss can last a year and will lead to the storage room in the Ruhestand.

“I would love to have a good time with Oliver Hammel, a young, dynamic and international person with a positive attitude towards future development,” says Heinz Karrer, President of the Jungfraubahn, in the Middle Ages.

Hammel lives with Signaler Frau and Signaler 9-year-old Tochter derzeit in Thailand and leads with Schweizer Vertriebsspezialist DKSH with Geschäftsbereich Technology for the Market Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar. This slate is the technology for the Chinese market with Sitz in Shanghai. The war was for the Schweizer Unternehmen Erowa in China.

For the new chef, the chef with the family is now very happy in his home country. “In the bowels of the world, a Blick von aussen einbringen was created,” said Hammel about the Mitteilung.

Unter Kessler verdoppelte sich Belegschaft

The cut-off Kessler lasts 37 years at the Jungfraubahn-tätig. After 15 years as managing director, the time has come for a tip change, it has been a year.

There looks into the blessing Karriere on a Meilensteine ​​zurück. Dazu will die at the end of 2020 open V-Bahn, who will be concrete.

A “Generation Project” has been initiated and “with heartbreak” as CEO. “War is a once-in-a-lifetime chance – so a project with the V-Bahn can now realize a man as a chef an unternehmens.”

Also the Meilenstein blessing tag for the group signage is the source of the Asian market. “If I were a different person, I could receive Japanese guests, but that would never happen again. It is a market leader in small Asian markets,” said er.

The development of the Jungfraubahnen with the blessing has become less than the number of employees illustrates: This doubling is before the pandemic in 1000 Angestellte.

Corona as the greatest recovery

The biggest Prüfstein booner career war was hit by the Corona crisis. “For my war is another big redevelopment as the V-Bahn,” says Kessler.

Signal Rücktritt will not be completely überraschend for a year: “My soul was that the V-Bahn would be opened and that the external components would be completed freely. If the traffic was completed, I would be able to receive it in 2022”, so the Konzernchef. The end of the pandemic has become the world of the world by woolly Krise.

The Jungfraubahn took years before the high flight and the profit in the 112-year history took place. The best guest of the young lady of 2018 would never have been snapped.


Interlaken (AWP)