
The dubious Corrective Funds

The dubious Corrective Funds

Suspicious Verschiebungen von Spendinggeldern in doubt Tochtergesellschaften, die undurchsichtige Geschäfte bereiben? The fall “Correctiv” could become a problem. Were spent and governmental responsibility for private protection?

Correctiv nennt sich selbst “gemeinwohlorientiertes Medienhaus, das Demokratie stärkt.” Is it then the case that the Geschäftsführer David Schraven concerns a Kaffee and wants Immobiliengeschäfte through time? Spending and millions of business expenses are being shifted into fragile transactions.

One of the most common facts is that they themselves correct a factor checker that is now making a huge criticism and turning the facts upside down.

“Die digital design”, the new bestseller by the Hamburger Rechtsanwalts Joachim Steinhöfel, was announced at the Antrag van Correctiv verboten wegen geblicher Fehler. Moniert is the successor to the Correctiv Chefs, Sonja Schraven. Steinhöfel wrote, who was also born in Bottrop, was not very strong. Sonja Schraven als “gebürtige Bottroperin” van bezeichnen, sei laut “Correctiv” -Anwälten een Persönlichkeitsrechtsverletzung von “nicht Hinnehmbarer Intensität”. It may be that the emergency services put an end to a white Ruhrpott-Posse, with the expenditure and support-funded gemästete Correktiv-Duo that sees the Kürzeren.

Steinhöfel treats the guilty with humor and holt zum gegenschlag out: the strange guilt of corrective and the business leaders David Schraven dare demnächst for targeted countries. Do you want to know if all fragments, expenses and surveillance services are used or possibly used – to the private life of your friends?

Roland Tichy in conversation with Rechtsanwalt Joachim Steinhöfel:

–>>The book cannot be painted