
Promis and Nachwuchstalent sports for the good Zweck » Leadersnet

Promis and Nachwuchstalent sports for the good Zweck » Leadersnet

| Editorial

| 29.08.2024

Im Rahmen a Sportchallenge wurden Spending for the Wiener Landesradsportverband erspelt. In three Disziplines unite Profisportler:innen und Nachwuchssportler:innen in je Kräfte.

In joint work with the former ski instructor Michi Dorfmeister, MaxiNutrition bzw. The mother group Krüger Austria has been offering several young athletes in Rahmen a new, well-founded junior class on their way to professional sports this year. This motivation class is an important part of the market for MaxiNutrition Sports Challenge. I am happy with the young talent at C&C Wienerberg, with prominent and impressionable players: a few wetkampfs with more skills, such as padel tennis, badminton and radar on the ergometer. You can show the winning team a check of expenses.

Among the participants were professional footballer Michael Konsel, snowboarder Andreas Prommegger, dancing star Conny Kreuter, ski racing player Michaela Dorfmeister and tennis pro Stefan Koubek. The four teams, which are used by the published publications, can retrieve files from your three people and a nachwuchstalent.

Sail for a good cause

De Sieg was able to keep the team of Bahnradfahrer-Nachwuchstalent Raphael Kokas separated. “I am very happy, that is our team with great support from ex-tennis pro Stefan Koubek, Dancing Stars Choreografin Conny Kreuter and Barbara Schwarz who are passionate about the Nachwuchssport holen konnte”, is the motto of the MaxiNutrition Nachwuchsklasse. In the event of a successful victory, the winning team received a check of 8,000 euros, if the expenses and the Wiener Landesradsportverband zur Unterstützung der Sparte “RLM Wien” were taken into account.

Theresa Korbuly überreicht inherited the Spendenscheck and Raphael Kokas, Stefan Koubek, Conny Kreuter and Barbara Schwarz. © Philipp LipiarskiFrom left to right: Theresa Korbuly überreicht inherited the Spendenscheck and Raphael Kokas, Stefan Koubek, Conny Kreuter and Barbara Schwarz. © Philipp Lipiarski

Debut for the Nachwuchsklasse

For Theresa Korbuly, sister of marketing and communication at Krüger Austria, war with the first MaxiNutrition Sports Challenge “a fuller game and a happy debut” in the nachwuchsklasse. The idea, the class in his life, is one of the best talents in the sport, while the high performances are on the ground and as good as possible. “Darüber hinaus were allowed to see with our program young people, who can achieve and achieve sports and that Consciousness for the Importance of body Behaviour strengthen”, Korbuly emphasizes.

Zurzeit races the MaxiNutrition Nachwuchsklasse for young athletes: Tischtennis-Spieler Julian Rzihauschek, Basketballerin Sina Höllerl, Segler Anton Messeritsch, Schwimmerin Lena Grabowski and Bahnradfahrer Raphael Kokas. Letzterer does not want to play the Sportchallenge now, but can play a separate Karriereschritt for the Kurzem with his Olympia debut in Paris.

LEADER NETWORK war ebenfalls bei der Sportchallenge dabei. Eindrücke finden Sie in unserer Galerie.