
Zeltlager and Jugendherberge invest in Standorte | Langeoog Aktuell

Zeltlager and Jugendherberge invest in Standorte | Langeoog Aktuell

Der Rat der Inselgemeinde is in the process of creating a Bauleitverfahren for the Gelände des Zeltlagers of the Sportjugend and the Jugendherberge beschlossen, one for the zukunftsfähige Entwicklung of both Einrichtungen de Grundlage to buy. You can pave the way for the establishment of betting on the own Schiffahrt and Tourismus-Service and the Verfügungsrahmen for wiederkehrende Geschäfte erweitert.

At the beginning of the term, Marco Lutz of the Landessportbund Niedersachsen and Oliver Engelhardt of the youth hostel work prepared the plans of the targeted programs, which can be combined with each other. The Landkreis Wittmund has made the Gemeinde of its property as small as possible with Bauvoranfragmenten and used a number of Bauleitplanung files.

“Vom Zeltlager zum Sport- en Jugendcamp” is the vision of the sports youth, for the man who earns millions of euros from a barrier-free, safe environment for joint financial investments. Jugend- en Umweltbildung is a central theme. On Nachfrage von Bärbel Kraus (Inselgrüne), was with the “mittelfristigen Abkehr von fossilen Energieträgern” gemeint sei, bestätigte Marco Lutz, when he died of the plans until 2030, technical details still had to be prüft.

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