
Umgebautes Dresdner Heinz-Steyer-Stadion is available

Umgebautes Dresdner Heinz-Steyer-Stadion is available

The Dresden Heinz-Steyer-Stadion writes sporting history, as well as weltrekorden in the Leichtathletik. After a Schönheitskur, this Ovale has been a modern Wettkampfarena for 100 years.


Dresden hat is legendary Heinz-Steyer-Stadion wieder. Am Freitag (6 p.m.) during the runderneuerte Sportstätte in Beisein mehrerer van Olympiasieger und Weltmeister wiedereröffnet. The sprinters Marlies Göhr and Renate Stecher were, among others, the Weitspringerin Heike Drechsler, Kugelstoßer Ulf Timmermann and Weitspringer Lutz Dombrowski. A great show for the sport is Olympia-Feeling extended, before the Leichtathletik-Meeting “Goldenes Oval” started. It looks like the Paris Olympics will play a big role.

The 1919 opener and spater after a footballer’s arena wrote sports history. The German Football Association (DFB) attracted more regional games for the Second World War. If the GDR times support national championships and international legality statistics, this would be a very good welfare order in lightweight athletics.
