
Wahlkampf in Thuringia and Saxony in the Endspurt

Wahlkampf in Thuringia and Saxony in the Endspurt

Kurz vor de Landtagswahlen looks at the ZDF-Politbarometer Extra the AfD in Thuringia as the strongest Kraft – in Saxony the CDU can compete with the Wahlsieg. If it is new, in the “heute journal” the Umfrage of the Forschungsgruppe Wahlen becomes visible. In both Bundesländern a Sonntag new Landtage was established.

A part of this Freitag would not even be able to give a boost to immunity. You can make a trip to the Spitzenpolitiker of the Bundesparteien in both states. So the Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) has consulted with the SPD Spitzenkandidate Petra Köpping the Wahlkampfabschluss of the social democracy in Chemnitz.

Umfrage: AfD in Thuringia for CDU – in Saxony on Platz 2

In Thuringia, the AfD has praised the ZDF politbarometer at 29 percent, ahead of the CDU with 23 percent and the Bundes Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) with 18 percent. Die Linke, die in the Bundesland with Bodo Ramelow and the Prime Ministers are on 13 Prozent. The SPD can use 6 Prozent, the Grünen can pass the Einzug into the Landtag with 4 Prozent. For the others, I am very proud to participate 7 Prozent, darunter ist keine partei, de Geestestens three Prozent erzielen würde.

“Damit had a coalition of CDU, BSW and SPD that performed well, other coalitions that were not formed did not work out”, here it is. We are investigating how the coalition with the AfD and the CDU can offer the AfD and the BSW a higher price, and also one of the CDU, BSW and Linke. Solche Optionen would have joined between the CDU or the BSW. Delete all data from the page of the 29 pages of the fragments are not yet as certain as they want to be.

CDU quits in Saxony ahead of AfD

In Saxony, the CDU, with Michael Kretschmer as head of government, is ahead of the AfD with 30 percent with 33 percent German. The Left was the Umfrage with 4 percent not in Landtag-verreten – the Greens and the SPD jewelry on 6 percent. The BSW is in the cover on 12 percent. The other parties are 9 percent – there are no parties, the spirits 3 percent erzielen würde.

“Neben der Forsetzung der Regierung aus CDU, Grünen und SPD is a great handsome player for a Bundnis of CDU and BSW,” says the Wahlforscher mit. Reich citizenship is being persecuted for a coalition of the CDU and the AfD, the CDU’s war is being abergeschloss. Aber auch in Saxony knew derzeit 24 Prozent der Befragten noch sicher, wen oder ob se wählen wollen.

Parteipräferenzen kaum verändert – trotz Solingen

The facts for the individual parties are in themselves the Politbarometer from 23. August kaum changes – based on the new Befragung nach dem mutmaßlich Islamistic anschlag von Solingen durchgeführt wurden. Freitagabend has a fear of a city festival that gets people with a Messer and misses it eight times. Mutmaßlicher Täter ist der 26-jährige Syrer Issa Al H., der in Düsseldorf in Untersuchungshaft sitzt.

In general, questioning is no longer possible with unsafe operation. Among other things, parts and components are separated from each other by the tax institutes that determine the weights of the data. Fundamentally, questioning only reflects the opinion picture at the time of the question more broadly and without any forecast on the questioning process.

Forsa-Chef: Unsicherheit vor Wahl in Saxony and Thuringia

Aus Sicht des Meinungsforschers Manfred Güllner ist der Ausgang der Wahlen in Saxony und Thuringia ungewöhnlich schwer absehbar. The influence of the terrorist attacks from Solingen on the Ergebnisse single Parteien am Sonntag sei offen, the Gründer des Instituts Forsa am Donnerstag during a podium discussion of the Deutschen Presse-Agentur in Berlin. “We live without a great deal of uncertainty.”

The two Minister Presidents – Ramelow in Thuringia and Kretschmer in Saxony – their jewels are credible. It is money for other parties, but the impetus is no longer for the Amtsinhaber. “That is a situation, a separation matrix, that will not be common in the other federal states”, according to Güllner. “The power is a great insecurity, over eben the votes, which we have for the Wahl messenger, also in votes are defeated.” I would like the Wahlergebnis to break down, “fell at the end of the world, to erase, which coalitions are even possible”.

“Consultation of tactical or strategic Wählen”

The Dresden political scientist Hans Vorländer has waged war and the CDU in Saxony has made a point with the migration debate. For one thing, CDU federal chief Friedrich Merz in Eindruck, that is the culmination of the trade. For others, the prime minister of Saxony Kretschmer has chosen the theme himself. “If the CDU gets to work, I could not say, but again a bisschen nach oben ziehen”, said Vorländer. “Because it is right, that it is stronger than AfD, is another question.”

In that year there are many more unanswered Wählerinnen and Wählers, die meinte der long-term Researcher of the TU Dresden. And if so, it may be that you are looking for tactical or strategic solutions. It is a fact that the CDU has a strong Kraft-power or the Greens and the SPD who want to work in the Saxon Landtag, will be alone, “damned that the CDU does not come into the Vergegenheit, with BSW in Gespräche-einzuretten”.