
Dresden: Dresdner Verein – “In our shared messages about our people, they are happy and satisfied”

Queerer Verein in Dresden: “Our messages are people, they are happy and happy.”

In July, a rainbow show was lit in Dresden. Der queere Verein Gerede eV beobachtet zunehmend Anfeindungen und Sachbeschädigungen. Was it lost in the Landeshauptstadt?

The Regenbogenfahne in front of the Dresdner Rathaus.

The Regenbogenfahne in front of the Dresdner Rathaus.
© Archive photo: Sven Ellger

Dresden. Mitte August regulated the rights of protest and deception against Christopher-Street-Day (CSD) in Bautzen for Entsetzen and Discussions. During the July period in Dresden on the edge of a demo of timeless forbidden rights magazines Compact and the publication of a rainbow flag on the Altmarkt. That is the Federal Court for Affliction. The police are harassing the people.

The foreign community in Dresden and the Verein Gerede eV are considering these Entwicklungen with Sorgen. “In our messages from our human man, we will put an end to a problem and we will outsource our expenses and deceit”, says Alexander Bahr, project coordinator in Gerede.

The Neustadter Verein is a lesbian, lesbian, bi, trans, intersexual and queer person. There are a number of cases that you can suffer from. So where Scheiben smears with homophobes, Stickers with policies and the walls are glued. “That has not happened for years”, said Bahr. The burned-out rainbow flag can be used in its entirety.

“If you were a symbol for a single bunte and an open society, what was the next writing?”, Fragment with Sophie Koch from Queeren Netzwerk Sachsen after the Brand der Regenbogenfahne. The network is the Dachverband der sächsische Vereine, which works for queer people in Dresden and the Saxony companies.

Koch and his team are busy searching for and trading in homosexual men. “Otherwise you see what happens, it is a multiplication multiplication of Anfeindungen and Hass gibt”, said the 30-year-old age. So began the straight Gruppierung “Elblandrevolte” in those years during Christopher-Street-Day (CSD) in Dresden.

The evaluation letter is waiting

Parallel to the Zunahme von Angriffen und Bedrohungen, der Gerede eV beobachtet der Gerede eV a Zunahme vom Beratungsbedarf. “If we have a man to deal with, we will be able to stop the processing of the matter and the term will first come to an end in two months,” says Alexander Bahr.

Der Beratungsbedarf von Jugendlichen und junior Menschen are active, except the Fragen der Geschlechtsidentity, erzählt er. The young kids are always worried about the debt, college, or the other generations that are in trouble. “Unsere Fachstelle, die durch das Jugendamt was fördert, konnte im letzten Jahr knapp 1,200 Menschen with Gruppenangeboten therereichen”, so Bahr. Processing continues until 362 through the factory.

The financing is unclear

The consultation agreement of the Gerede-Vereins is great. It is a challenge for teenagers, children and a children’s group who let the school benches through the debts and the Bundeswehr, a part of the identity of the youth and clarifying it. “There can be a legal action for queer Schutzsuchende in Asylverfahren and that can Antragstellung, Asylanhörung, Dublinverfahren and Asylbescheid be inhalten”, so Bahr. The success of the deliberations is not as great as the team, but I come years later with the financing of the projects further. These can come from the city, also from the financial sector. When the project took place in the next Stadt-Haushalt-anchorage, he came from the Rathaus: “The internal recording of the Haushaltsentwurfs has never been so good.”