
Oliver Kalkofe: New SchleFaZ team started with an important highlight

Oliver Kalkofe: New SchleFaZ team started with an important highlight

Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten start in the new Staffel “SchleFaZ” and start a highlight with their own sender cosmos. GALA spoke with the evil “Kalkofes Mattscheibe” moderator about the best films and who is a cameo author in “Sharknado 3” kam.

Oliver Kalkofe, 58, and Peter Rütten, 62, starting on 30. August in his last year in the broadcast “SchleFaZ – The worst films of all time”. There must be talk of “Pearls” of the bad powers, but well-known municipal film production snapped and ausführlich seziert. If you want more information about the channel Tele5, it is broadcast and Nitro is broadcast on the Hause RTL network. Are you starting with an RTL production in the new Staffel? Go to Oliver Kalkofe, personally nachgefragt.

Oliver Kalkofe is “the Trash-Trüffelschein” of TV-Landschaft

GALA: I started in August with the new Staffel “SchleFaZ – The worst films of all time” – first time on Nitro. A sender, der zur RTL-Senderfamilie gehört. Look in the first next series if you want to watch the RTL production “SOS Barracuda: Der Tod spielt Roulette”. Do you want to see a certain setzen? Who wants to make general films?

Oliver Kalkofe: The selection for “SchleFaZ” is a long and a long history. With such pearls, which are merry and unnoticed bad. That is muhsam and ganz schön viel Arbeit. It must be clear that the film with heartbreak and life on the wall happened. That is the Erste. A Zweite is: I have an idea of ​​the Gefühl, it starts with Besseres as an RTL-own production. Damit beproven with Selbstironie and laughing community about something good, that is but done. It is a Feiern des Missglückten. You can best start with your own RTL-film German machine.

Who wants to see his movie for “SchleFaZ”?

When I see the Trash-Trüffelschwein, when I record all the films, the man is even more apparent. Daraus then begins a long scheißfilm Wunschliste – im Moment sind es an die 150 Title. This one looked like an RTL, which was then shot, although Lizenzen could get it. It is often not the case that the Lizenzgeber finds anything at all. Schließlich geben si our Feedback, welcher Film clapping könnte. If you want to know that, tell my co-moderator Peter Rütten and see what a text is for the “SchleFaZ” next time.

Do you have an all-time favorite among the best movies?

If it’s good, a man with his Staffel is one or a new favorite hat. A natural film is made that can’t last longer. “Hai-Alarm op Mallorca” is a real highlight. There is a “King Kong against Godzilla” war for my Godzilla fan a bigger space. Everything Title, the seriousness of the involvement in the wonder and kopfschütteln auslösen, who with a trotz or gerade wegen ihrer Schechtigkeit inzwischen lieben gelernt haben.

Don’t have a movie on your bucket list? One thing is for sure: ‘That’s a leader who is not a sender and who got justice. If it’s good, it’s treated badly.’

If you no longer see your bucket list, it is indispensable from “Mister Boogie”. Because it is a film that is on the first “Big Brother” staff with Zlatko, there is no new war, we will have such a disastrous war. There would be a great chance that the first premiere after the zurückgezogen takes place. Die Rechteinhaber wollen leader today immer noch zu viel Geld dafür.
Dann is neither “The Room”. It is a legendary schlechter film, which is played internationally, but we are so disinterested that this is not the case. There is no leader in the German paint bar. Insofar as the wire is long over the years, one by one, the highlights are the ones we think about, which we don’t get.

If you watch an art history or a film that doesn’t do a standard analysis, was your feeling wrong?

If you get “Kalkofes Mattscheibe”, it can’t be that you make a little jump, you have to do it a little in the jumping. When it comes to film brands, if you are in the Hose, you feel soft in the Fingern. Die nehme is then directly on my list.
General learned man at “SchleFaZ” all about his Filmemachen. If you don’t want to laugh anymore and can laugh about your mistakes, you can pay attention to it and people start using it, it was a matter of background information. The power of the film on the subject, the part is a lot lighter, but it can still produce more genius. Look at a child who is a typical Fanboy. Daher will die if I am the naive Freude, die as a gewissende Sachen habe, nicht nehmen lassen.

It is possible that Ihnen and Peter Rütten are a good agent and a bad agent. If you are so overly concerned, will you buy a balance? Or is it of course very bad?

The war did not begin with the Konzepts. We see a “SchleFaZ” hat that is natural and that has a form of Wirklichkeit in the core. When the war began when “Mattscheibe” began the war, here was not everything directly to the fore and criticize, but it was a friend of his. Ansonsten were as good as possible. If you play a role, you can take a private role. I am a private person of the nerd of either, and Peter is released. There is a lot of beer and it becomes a rauchen. It is a question of one thing. It is a toll, if a man makes art figures, which is one thing that he himself has done. My wife said that she was increasingly busy, when Peter came together with his sister, weil ich zu viel Schlaumeierkram erzähle. It is known that you are in your house. Insofern create we also from private experiences.

It has become a stable Fangemeinschaft. If you think that the shipment is completed to the end, it may be that you will lose it?

No, it didn’t happen. There’s a war going on in the summer. The first year we always thought: ‘That was probably the last time.’ If you made a comment, you will get another product when you reach more people. It’s like that Madness, it’s never been easier to cook. We’re going to do it this same year and we’re still gaining new fans. A steeper story is great, it must be for a short rocket launch.

Oliver Kalkofe and Peter Rütten schnuppern Hollywood-Luft in “Sharknado 3” and “Sharknado 5”

Enjoy Peter Rütten as a guest on “Sharknado 3” and “Sharknado 5”. Who has come? Wüsten die Macher in dem Moment von Ihrer Sendung?

The first war was one of the spectacular moments and great coups of the “SchleFaZ” history. Under the entstand wieder nur aus een Schnapsidee. We can see the first two parts of “Sharknado” at “SchleFaZ”. I know that the Cameo-Auftritte of Leuten had a lot of trouble to prepare a few forks and then relax. Da haben wir aus Spaß gesagt: ‘Das müssten wir doch eigentlich auch schaffen.’ And then the sender, nor Tele5, whirls over the Lizenzgeber – and this is a sudden: ‘Ihr könnt kommen!’

The natural character of the American Machern was that it was so. If you have done it yourself, the film that has been made of the Cult, has become so that they were so bad. Aber was genau with the “SchleFaZ” machine, but it was not so wise.

It is an absolute highlight that takes place in a film, which then becomes even more interesting. In part 5 it has not even been a problem. It is a post-production studio with many screens in the background – and they have looked at it, so the German prominenz could not appear now. From Markus Lanz about Joko and Klaas are with Bela B, Jan Böhmermann, Ingrid van Bergen and The BossHoss have changed 20 unsatisfied colleagues and colleagues of a Hollywood film. Darauf sind wir noch immer sehr stolz.

The new Staffel “SchleFaZ” starts on August 30, 2024 at 9:50 PM on Nitro and has been RTL+ current bar.
