
Record-breaking supply for current storage capacity and purchase of 1GWh electric car batteries for exceptionally powerful gross storage system (

Record-breaking supply for current storage capacity and purchase of 1GWh electric car batteries for exceptionally powerful gross storage system (

August 30, 2024

(PM) The Fenecon surplus of the previous century is being used up in August by the power storage capacity. In addition to the fragments from the Home storage Fenecon Home 10 and 20 & 30, the intelligent energy management systems FEMS and the associated app offer are flexible and the individual beds are ready-made. If you reduce electricity costs, it is time-oriented, AI-based to set up a dynamic electricity tariff without new suspension and cost savings with the FEMS app-dynamic electricity tariff.

Grossspeicher für Industrie und Solarparken have used new, outdated electric batteries. The product distribution of the products varies from quality to quality, heat management, thermal management and system efficiency. The current situation in the electric vehicle industry is now no more active than the acquisition of a gigawatt power and new electric batteries from CATL, which are available in Europe, but will no longer be used in the vehicles.

Partner model
It may be that Fenecon now has more large Solarpark-Speicher systems than most possibilities. There is a partner model that deals with the development of solar parks in the Tochtergesellschaft Fersto itself will ensure that the solar park becomes more attractive.

Volkswirtschaftlich and ökologische not nachvollziehbar
“You have to do that badly on the sink: Currently, a much larger German batch of brand-new LFP or NMC electrical vehicle batteries is being shredded and dumped in Europe, as a country installed here and capacity for large stationary storage units from China is being introduced worldwide. It is economically and ecologically unacceptable. With our electric battery base batteries, the battery screwing can take place here and the most well-known new production of batteries for industry and solar parks other devices can be reduced and become faster, that can be many of your ideas and partners, such as Fenecon Managing Director Franz- Josef Feilmeier about the absurd and persistent situation on the market for the Grossspeicher.

Inser ‘Sliding blade system’
“It is definitely with the ‘Schubladen-system’ of the battery of the austauschbaren Gut. The platform can make a plan to last for years and start charging the batteries – then there is a new or useful Second-Life electrofariaat battery, very good feeling for the product philosophy. This is a more important Grund for the probable Auszeichnungen, the Unternehmen for their Speicher-bekommen hat.

Weiterer Fenecon Standort schafft Platz für künftiges Wachstum
The first year that the Fenecon Car-Battery-Refactory for the production of industrial flows from new, outdated E-car batteries started in Betrieb. Please visit the Fenercon next time, be sure to visit the Lager- und Produktionsstandort in Albersdorf near Vilshofen (Passau District). There is a speed of 20,000 square meters and production, bearing and Büroflächen and unterstützt das weitere Wachstum at Heim-, Gewerbe- and Industriespeichern.

More personal and optimal service
While the strong character of Fenecon continues on the personal trunk. With more than 320 amounts – a plus of 20 percent in these years – Fenecon can not perform an optimal service of an energy store with short heat and processing times. Soul is, as a result of new industry standards, with own best protected personal, that all service services are provided by themselves.

“We wish you all the best for an extremely successful summer. Fencecon was to be awarded the “Innovator of the Year 2024” in the last two months, with the Bavarian Middle Class Prize and as the “Bayerns Best 50″. We can help our customers in the future to expand their capital and provide great service on a solid portfolio: the team is growing and can provide great service with a complete portfolio, with all its niches in the power storage market”, explains Franz-Josef Feilmeier, Managing Director of Fenecon. “

Text: Fenecon

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