
Postbank in Holzkirchen closes Filiale Ende September zu – Neue Postfiliale startet Betrieb

Postbank in Holzkirchen closes Filiale Ende September zu – Neue Postfiliale startet Betrieb

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Postbank in Holzkirchen closes Filiale Ende September zu – Neue Postfiliale startet Betrieb
Der Abschied naht: At the end of September, the Postbank will close in your branch in Münchner Straße and leave Holzkirchen. © THOMAS PLETTENBERG

The “Post” in the Münchner Straße has been a regular Anlaufpunkt for the Holzkirchner for many years. Damit is still there: The Postbank, Hauptmieter der Räume, will open at the end of September the dry Filiale. For postal services you can use a new partner branch.

Wood Churches – Das Ende no longer comes across. In July we were durchgesickert, so that the Postbank would be present in Holzkirchen. Jetzt Power is a press conference of the Bonner Unternehmens-offiziell: Am 30. September schließt de Filiale in der Münchner Straße 7e für immer.

The background is a Bundesweite new building of the Postbank, which was brought to war by the Deutsche Bank in 2010. If you engage the credit institution with confidence, you can use the principle of ‘Mobile First’. All products and services will be offered via smartphone or tablet in the future. “Whoever has all banks on the Postbank, that is the market that makes sales possible in the times of digitalization changes”, it is said in a press release.

The personal intensive and teure branch network is being expanded. Von den bisher 550 Standorten in Deutschland bleiben nur noch 320. Die Filiale Holzkirchen veld durchs Raster. Legen Kunden Wert oppersonal Vorsprache and at the Themen Baufinanzierung, Altersvorsorge, Privatkredite and Wertvuure, find the next located Postbank-Filiale-künftig in Rosenheim (Bahnhofstraße 21-23).

Bar money could be viewed by Postbank-Kunden laut Pressemitteilung weiter gebührenfrei and ATMs of the Cash Group, in the same Banks in their own right. In Holzkirchen you can find two ATMs in Frage – at the Hypo-Vereinsbank am Marktplatz and the Deutschen Bank (Münchner Straße 35). If you have 200 Euro, you can use a direct debit (and the dm-Drogeriemarkt or Rewe) and the Postbank-Kunden if it has an ATM.

Who has informed the Unternehmen, informs one of the Holzkirchner branch a Aushang über de bevorstehende Schließung. Can obtain Briefe. Anyone who has had many experiences will have a word about the unrest that cannot be processed by the time of the Mitarbeiter, the spatestens at the end of September on the Arbeitsplatz wechseln müssen. “Zur Zahl der Mitarbeiter äußern wir uns siecherheitsgrunden generell nicht“, concreted der Unternehmenssprecher. Betriebsbedingte Kündigungen schloss is jedoch aus. Can be consulted in other branches or in one of the new regional centers, the time for the review by video and telephone has been established.

Schmerzlicher als de Verlust der Bankfiliale dürfte voor many Holzkirchner van de Umstand wiegen, dass auch de Deutsche Post, de als Kooperationspartner de Räume ebenfalls nutzte, de Standort räumen more. Ein Ersatz is already fully funded. Nur wenige hundert Meter “weiter unten”, wed de Erlkamer Straße in Münchner Straße mündet, öffnet am kommenden Montag, 2. September, at Dreiblatt Sales (Schreibwaren Strohmeier) a sister affiliate of the Deutschen Post with the in the Einzelhandel üblichen Öffnungszeiten. Since then, postal and parcel services have been offered – so who is in the two best Holzkirchner Post-Partner branches in an Einkaufszentrum HEP at Cigo (Lotto-Toto/Tabakwaren) and in the Rewe-Supermarket (Tegernseer Straße).

The Post (DHL Group) has another position in the Münchner Straße 7 on postfächer and – a service, the trotz des deutlich gezonken short letter traffic under no war. Klaus-Dieter Nawrath, representative of the DHL Group, could not deal with the solution of problems, but the Holzkirchner Postfächer was included or we could not wait. There is an action going on, the postfächer is on the following pages of the Verfügung-stehen. Some of these problems are caused by all those affected and a short knowledge of the matter.

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