
SPG Südburgenland/Hartber – Siebenerpack against the Sport-Club

SPG Südburgenland/Hartber – Siebenerpack against the Sport-Club

For coach Harald Bacher and his wife he is active in the 2. Bundesliga perfect. If the first game is absolutely true, it is possible to see the Saison a big increase in performance. “We do not underestimate our competitors anymore, that is also in the heads of the girls. With this new installation it may be possible”, while the trainer.

Sovereign performance

While in the second round, while Heimspiel am Saturday the Wiener Sport-Club collapses, it is perfect. The Südburgenländerinnen start with high pressure and pressure in the first minutes of play, the gegnerinnen are not really fell for 80 minutes. “We knew that it is only a question of the time when the tore falls”, Bacher explained. The toreigen are put to work by Bianca Gröller, while the deserved break is broken by the woman with the 4:0 session. It continues until the 66th minute, but the Viennese women are happy with the closing score. When the Heimschen were out of time, Lilla Sipos came with the tore in the 83rd minute for the final and the 7:1 success. “That was a souveräne Leistung, genausostelte ich mi a Match mein Mannschaft vor.”

After the fulminants Sieg trifft die Mannschaft am Sonntag, 14 Uhr, auswärts auf Horn. “We will show our game that the Niederösterreicher analyzes and exhibits, which Stärken brings to the Platz. We win the game,” says Bacher. It is the least that you can change, that bald wieder Titelambitionen ausgegeben.

FC South Burgenland

Ausgelassener Jubel über den Zweiten Sieg. Coach Harald Bacher (5.vl stehend) is happy with his friends over the Sieg. Aktuell lies de Mannschaft mit +7 Toren an der Telefoonspitze. Photos: FC Südburgenland

FC South Burgenland

FC Südburgenland - Wiener SportClub

Südburgenlands Katja Dorn (l.) bot 85 Minuten een solid Leistung am grünen Rasen.

D. Fenz