
Research: 87 million euros for the new Wasserstoff center in Chemnitz – Wasserstoff | News | LOGISTIK HEUTE

Research: 87 million euros for the new Wasserstoff center in Chemnitz – Wasserstoff | News | LOGISTIK HEUTE

In 2021, the Technology Cluster HZwo visited one of the four locations of the national water-based centre for a year. Next to Chemnitz are Duisburg (North Rhine-Westphalia), Pfeffenhausen (Bavaria) and a consortium from Norddeutschland.

“I’m happy, that’s the end of the matter,” said Economics Minister Martin Dulig (SPD). The Verwaltungsvereinbarung becomes the Planungssicherheit of the Project Partner. “We are aware of the know-how of the Köpfe in Chemnitz Threatened by the Carbonization of the Schwerlastverkehrs, and can also pregen auch Wasserstoff-Lkw, -Busse and -Nutzfahrzeuge das Straßenbild.”

The new Development and Testing for detergent technology became a fact in Europe, the HIC Managing Director Karl Lötsch. “Wasserstoff is an energy system for energy systems of the system and the wettbewerb that an international company has started with the used detergent technology that started a long time ago.”

With current, water can be heated in water and sauerstoff. If the current comes from the wind and the sun hangs, it is a green sauerstoff that is red. There are many useful, fossil fuels that occur in the last car or energy-intensive companies of the chemical industry and the metal industry.