
Lake Constance: All leisure tips for Lake Constance at a glance! Whether swimming, wandering, staying away or free of charge

Lake Constance: All leisure tips for Lake Constance at a glance! Whether swimming, wandering, staying away or free of charge

If you spend the summer with family or friends, you can go on holiday for a while, but don’t know what? The decision of this series puts the SÜDKURIER in the series “7 mal 7 Tips for Holiday Spas” about seven weeks behind the road seven flight tips per week ahead. These can be found in Radolfzell and the surrounding area and usually within 30 minutes by car there. If you are in the spa with the family, if it rains or if you do not incur any more costs.

The Auswahl does not have an answer to the entire content. And the tips are of course a good idea during the summer.

All exit destinations at a glance:

Part 1: Für Familien mit Kindern

In the summer period, Schulkinder often became freer and wollen bespaßt. If the golf tips for the family are not a problem, the Auswahl-reicht of Tierparks over minigolf in the Freizeitparken. Neben Höhepunkten, Adress and Opening times get a prize, of 2 Euro and 24 Swiss Francs per Child liest.

Part 2: Free

Many attractions cost a lot as a family quickly a whole lot of money. Not everything was the power of Spa, but the costs were high, whatever the time was. We look at nature without costs, in the Reichenau Island or the Ruine Altbodman, but the desire of the museums remains small. Here is the complete overview with tips from Anreise.

Part 3: In Rain

Rain, Calm, Clouds: If the summer continues, the Wetteren can have a bad time, while those years go further than a rainy day. If this is not a Grund, this is a good idea. Is this still the fragment: Bowling, climbing, cinema or still in Sea Life? Tip: These Ausflugstipps can be heated on a warm day, it may be that you have a airco and much less trouble with Abkühlung.

Part 4: Bathing

Baden lies in Lake Constance, but is the power even greater? In Radolfzell and the Umgebung it is a huge challenge, in one of the many beaches or free time in the water that jumps, a round of swimming and one of the activities with friends or family of verbs. These tips for Baden am Bodensee are extra tasty in Liegefläche, Gastronomie or Sogar Sandstrand. The entry usually costs a few euros.

Part 5: At Lake Constance

Lake Constance is not a wonderful experience in Baden in the summer, but the laundry is the very last. A wassersport and other activities on Lake Constance are good, it is all money from the Urlaubskasse. The price for a Wassersport tip from 18 to 269 Euro.

Part 6: Discovering nature

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Part 7: Adventure

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