
Neueröffnung of the Four Seasons Resort Mallorca in Formentor

Neueröffnung of the Four Seasons Resort Mallorca in Formentor

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After a magnificent restoration and modernization of the traditions of the Four Seasons Resort Mallorca in Formentor, Tore has been reopened.

The Resort now offers a luxurious oasis, combining modern comfort with historic charm that soll.

With 40 hectares of private accommodation located near the house, a unique combination of restored gardens, lake forests, steep cliffs and beautiful beaches.

The modernization of the Four Seasons Resort brings the character of the Four Seasons Resort to light – and it is worth finding a sustainable way to enrich the Urlaubsziel.

Photo: Neueröffnung of the Four Seasons Resort Mallorca in Formentor.

“There is a big Freude, the Hotel Formentor is now in our portfolio historic European Häuser aufzunehmen,” said Rainer Stampfer, President Global Operations Hotels and Resorts at Four Seasons.

The Resort, which is its own Weinberg painting, allows a guest to enjoy one of the many Weinlese features and enjoy wine for the next few years.

General Manager Estreya Gosalbez and his team put great value on making guests feel at home every moment. The 110 modern guest and suites of the resorts all have terraces with lake, a single place with private Tauchbecken.

Photo: Neueröffnung of the Four Seasons Resort Mallorca in Formentor.

The shape of the Räume is based on sustainability and natural materials, the nostalgic coastal glamour in a certain time period can still be used.

For active lauber, the location can be a Vielzahl von Freizeitmöglichkeiten, Darunter Wanderungen, Radtouren and Wassersportarten with Wasserski and E-Foiling.

This house is one of the best dishes: Unter der Leitung von Chefkoch Francesco Mannelli served the Mel Restaurant Mediterranean Gericht, where the Xiringuito on the beach offers light speisen and heritage getränke.

Photo: Neueröffnung of the Four Seasons Resort Mallorca in Formentor.

Zur Feier der Wiedereröffnung offers the Four Seasons Resort Mallorca in Formentor online until October 31, 2024, special Pauschalangebote.

Danach would like to stay at the Resort for the Winter – and would then welcome our guests again from March 2025…

Sierks Media / © Photos: Four Seasons