
Krankenhausreform NRW: Laumann will nachbessern – Landespolitik – Nachrichten

Krankenhausreform NRW: Laumann will nachbessern – Landespolitik – Nachrichten

Property of the Krankenhäuser Treatments, for the little Zuweisung erhalten, until 1. January 2025 sofort einstellen. The others, which are new, have 12 Monate Zeit dafür. “Was passion eigentlich met de Knien, Hüften and others Leistungen in der Zwischenzeit?”, excerpt Thorsten Klute, the health policy speaker of the SPD-Landtagsfraktion.

SPD looks at reform craft like Fehler

Many people know what the country of the clinic is, during the loss of treatment with a wirtschaftlichkeit verlieren, unterstützt. The best way to get started is to achieve Laumann’s success. “I became personally convinced that my needs would not be affected,” says Laumann. Deshalb müsse es Übergangsfristen geben.

Ingo Morell, chairman of the Krankenhausgesellschaft in NRW, has informed the Zahl der Häuser. “That’s true with clear souls, as well as with the Bundes as well as with the Landesebene”, so Morell. Nur erwartet er, the land is so serious that it is put out of use, while the land the versorgung gefährdet sei. Deshalb must use a new model of medical care.

Versorgungsengpasse im landlichen Raum befürchtet

Ingo Morell was affected as part of the Geschäftsführung der Franziskaner-Gesellschaft zu Olpe (GFO) and as a Krankenhausträger. These are the hearing aids of other South Westphalia clinics. Since January, we are now still in Olpe eine Geburtsstation geben. Die Station in Lennestadt schließt. It will be a pleasure for you to enjoy your financial year and now you will have more financial support after Lennestadt.

Land inherited Zusagen at Geburtsstations nicht

Because the Minister of Health Laumann has decided to implement the reform of the blessing. First of all, the conclusion has grave effects: The task, to reach a Kreissaal in 40 minutes by car, is now no longer possible. The device must take more than 50 minutes before Laumann himself has started. Because there is power, the Minister of Health says in the WDR magazine Westpol that a Geburtsstation is involved in Lennestadt.

Jenny Behle lives in Stadtteil Kirchhundem. They spent a lifetime with Luzia at St.-Josefs-Hospital in Lennestadt zur Welt. If the Schließung is erfuhr, the peculiar thing will be that it gets more. Then, in the Kreißsaal nach Olpe zu kommen, habe sie auch schon mal mehr as eine Stunde gebraucht.

Petition for Erhalt von Klinik in Lennestadt

Still fighting for the preservation of the birth support Lennestadt, has taken a petition with the initiative. More than 21,000 signatures have been gathered together, which are now being asked to be submitted to the Landtag. The young mother is involved in the SPD in the city. Jenny Behle is a woman who is in the Landesregierung, the Health of Families and Children who is getting a little older as she lives in the city.

A situation that may apply to patients and patients is still not so great: in the Krankenhausreform factory of Träger Lennestadt there is an outpatient center with a Tagesklinik. Then you go to the Krankenhaus of the Grundversorgung more, which can be reached in 20 minutes by car. So jedenfalls hatte Laumann das mit signal Krankenhausreform versprochen.

Messages will be sent to the WDR-Fernsehen, in the Westpol mission on Sonntag, on 1.9.2024, at 19:30.